
The Worst Tree-Trimming Party in History

Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 03:20AM

Christmastime is here — the most wonderful time of the fourth-quarter of the year! String up the lights! Set up the Robot Santa! Invite your third grade students to your house to trim your tree, and make them wear bras and panties, and videotape them doing it! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Do NOT do that. Definitely do not do that.

'Santa and Machine Guns' Makes Christmas Fun Again

Max Read · 11/29/11 01:05PM

What Christmas has been missing, I think, is guns. Right? The Gospel of Luke is cute, I guess, but it's kind of, you know, "not enough guns." Luckily, that is a problem that the state of Arizona is uniquely suited to rectify. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: "Santa and Machine Guns."

War on Christmas Begins With Theft of $1,600 Decorations

Max Read · 11/23/11 12:07AM

first shot in the annual War on Christmas has been fired, and it's not a pretty one: part of a $1,600 Christmas display was stolen from a California home early Tuesday morning. Secularism strikes again!

Gretchen Carlson and Bill O'Reilly Will Save Christmas Whether You Like It or Not

Matt Cherette · 11/17/11 10:57PM

Clown-hued shriek monster Gretchen Carlson was on tonight's Factor, where she and Bill O'Reilly battled each other for the title of commander-in-chief of the war on the secular War on Christmas. "Just this week, Santa was thrown out of a cancer center in South Carolina. Santa!" said Carlson, apparently unaware of the fact that Santa isn't in the Bible. Then O'Reilly said he would take down companies who ban their employees from saying "Merry Christmas," because JESUS. A clip of the segment is above.

Festive Guy on Bath Salts Breaks into Home, Puts Up Christmas Decorations

Max Read · 11/15/11 10:38PM

It's getting to be that time of the year, folks! You know what I'm talking about: that time of the year when love and peace fill the atmosphere, the scent of pine and eggnog permeates the air, and 44-year-old men, high on bath salts, walk into your home and put up your Christmas decorations.

Right-Wing Claims That Obama Murdered Santa Claus Are Grossly Exaggerated

Seth Abramovitch · 11/09/11 02:29AM

Visitors to the Drudge Report Tuesday evening were treated to the headline, "OBAMA'S NEW 'CHRISTMAS TREE TAX,'" accompanied by a photo of what would appear to be the president freezing a child solid with his Jack Frost breath so he could snatch away her tower of Legos. As breathlessly relayed in festering Fox News subsidiary Fox Nation, it's a chilling tale of a Commander in Grinch and his plans to steal Christmas via the levying of a tax on all Yuletide shrubberies. Why? Because he hates Christians, of course. (It might stem from the fact that Christmas always overshadows Kwanzaadan, and the seasonal magic of its ceremonial goat raffle.)

Holiday Shoppers Face 'Black Midnight' in Retail Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 10:16AM

Here we are, two months into the Christmas shopping season. Have you finished? No, because you didn't start in September like you were supposed to. Well, not to worry; corporate America is doing everything in its power to make you feel guilty about your laziness and poverty of ideas as well as money for several more hours, this holiday season.

Justin Bieber Wants to Christmas You All Night Long

Richard Lawson · 10/06/11 12:16PM

Santa came early this year and dumped this video clip onto the internet. It is Justin Bieber, smooth-cheeked troubadour of your niece's (or nephew's!) dreams, singing a song called "Mistletoe" from his soon-to-drop (like other things) Christmas album.

How Wikileaks Ruined Christmas

John Cook · 05/13/11 10:58AM

Among the classified State Department cables released by Wikileaks—cables so sensitive that, even now, unauthorized federal employees are barred from reading them online—is a report of tense meeting between our ambassador to Norway and Santa Claus.

Line of Succession

Brian Moylan · 01/06/11 07:20PM

[A man on stilts teases a group of children during El Museo del Barrio's 34th annual Three Kings Day parade in New York today. Image via AP]

5-Year-Old Gets Obscure Flags for Christmas, Names them All

Christopher Han · 12/29/10 01:15PM

While your kids got a Nintendo Wii, this boy got flags. Yes, flags. He has the presence of mind to pronounce them with the same ceremonious vigor. Obscure flags, all correct. Just wait for "Central African Republic."