
Real Pop Stars Have Curves

Rich Juzwiak · 11/19/12 12:00PM

Our big stars are getting bigger. Half of the women who performed on last night's American Music Awards don't have bodies that live up to the perfection we supposedly want in our pop stars and what's more, they put these imperfect bodies on display: it's one thing to show up, but it's a far more brazen thing to emphasize said curves. Last night, Kelly Clarkson, Ke$ha, Nicki Minaj and Christina Aguilera all did just that, to varying degrees.

The New Music of Christina Aguilera and Lana Del Rey: Where Have All the Divas Gone?

Rich Juzwiak · 11/16/12 02:53PM

Christina Aguilera and Lana Del Rey both released collections of new music this week. Neither artist is a great diva in the neo-classic, pop sense of the word, but both have potential. To evaluate their diva status, I will shamelessly crib a comparative schism that Tyra Banks has routinely used on America's Next Top Model: each of them has what the other does not.

What’s Going On With Christina Aguilera’s Vagina on Her New Album Cover?

Rich Juzwiak · 10/05/12 01:40PM

Christina Aguilera just tweeted the cover upcoming, hilariously named seventh studio album Lotus. She's never given an indication that she has any taste at all (right down to the gratuitous, gaudy vocal running), but it seems like she's at least now owning her tastelessness? She's growing before our eyes. Good for her.

What's Going On With Christina Aguilera's Vagina in Her New Video?

Rich Juzwiak · 09/28/12 11:40AM

The best of several hilarious moments in Christina Aguilera's "Your Body" video occurs at its 2:20 mark, when she pulls a handsome man she just played pool with into a bar bathroom stall and unleashes blue paint on him...somehow? I do not know what we are to glean from this. Is she sick? A squirter? Does she pee blue and thick? Is she really bad at graffiti?

Rich Juzwiak · 08/23/12 01:35PM

In a newly leaked demo, Christina Aguilera informs you that she wants to "fuck your body." Now you know.

Kelly Osbourne Is Evil

Rich Juzwiak · 04/12/12 01:10PM

Nepotwit Kelly Osbourne has been highly visible in pop culture for 10 agonizing years now without having contributed anything to it. (Unless you count her mysteriously abandoned music career?) Lately, instead of having the decency to just be vapid, she's been stoking a fight with Christina Aguilera.

Every Pop Diva Hates Every Other Pop Diva

Seth Abramovitch · 11/28/11 12:08AM

It's the Golden Rule of Pop Divadom: Thou shalt throw shade upon your contemporaries (so long as they aren't in the room). So consider this sprawling supercut by Rich Juzwiak the Holy Bible of Diva Cuntitude. Each clip contains a Whitney, a Mariah, a Madonna, etc., talking smack behind another one's back, followed by a clip of the gossiped-about diva talking about another diva, and so and and so forth, until it all devolves into a cannibalistic diva free-for-all, where all that's left is a pile of bones and pearly teeth and silicone inserts and Dior shoes and Versace gowns. It's very entertaining! [FourFour]

Kim Kardashian's Husband Ditches Ring and Moves Out

Maureen O'Connor · 10/21/11 10:55AM

Why did Kris Humphries ditch his wedding ring to carry moving boxes? Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and Kingston Rossdale might be in love. Dina Lohan is shopping a memoir. Kanye's Occupy Wall Street outfit was worth more than $30,000. TGIFriday gossip.

The Fashion of Occupy Wall Street and Other Red Carpet Events

Brian Moylan & Maureen O'Connor · 10/14/11 02:18PM

It's time we talk about the most important part of the Occupy Wall Street protests: just what celebrities are wearing when they visit! But don't worry, we also find time to pick on Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Michelle Williams, Heidi Klum, Christina Aguilera, and Jake Gyllenhaal.

Did Lindsay Lohan Try to Upstage Kim Kardashian at Her Own Wedding?

Lauri Apple · 08/21/11 11:18AM

Saucy LiLo shows up to the Kardashianganza dressed in a long white gown accessorized with major cleavage. Chely Wright weds. Christina Aguilera wants to wed. And Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller might wed again. Today's Gossip Roundup is an overworked bridesmaid with cake all over her dress.

You Won't Believe How Much Everyone on TV Makes

Brian Moylan · 08/09/11 02:46PM

You know that actors, reality show hosts, and network news anchors make tons of cash, right? But just how much do they make? And who makes more than their fellow stars on shows? And why is Ashton Kutcher the highest paid actor on TV? Let's find out.