Just two weeks before dropping her new album, Christina Aguilera dropped some "real talk" at a Q&A at the Billboard/Hollywood Reporter Film & TV Conference.

Aguilera was eager to address her haters —tabloids, bloggers, Simon Cowell — throwing some major shade of her own:

"Now everyone is a critic. I don't read blogs. It's just God-knows-who in Buttfuck wherever writing hate shit. You can't take it seriously. I'm sure you've all been hated on at some point by buttfuck people."

Our little genie in a bottle also dished on singing competition shows, saying she never watches them, including The Voice, on which she serves as a judge.

Aguilera also talked about the beginning of her career, which The Hollywood Reporter sums up with one of the world's greatest typos.

She landed her first record deal and the "Moulin" soundtrack the same week.

I believe THR means Mulan, which is an uplifting cartoon about a lady-Samurai, and not Moulin Rouge, which is an uplifting fever-dream about a French hooker with tuberculosis. Close.

[Via The Hollywood Reporter // Image via AP]