Nepotwit Kelly Osbourne has been highly visible in pop culture for 10 agonizing years now without having contributed anything to it. (Unless you count her mysteriously abandoned music career?) Lately, instead of having the decency to just be vapid, she's been stoking a fight with Christina Aguilera.

In the latest installment, in an interview with Us, she describes Aguilera as fat:

She called me fat for years. One night...I said, 'Fuck you. Now you're fat too.' I didn't say I wasn't fat. I said, 'Now you know how it feels.' And I'm sorry, but I stand by that.

She's referring to an episode of E!'s Fashion Police (a useless platform for a useless cultural figure) that aired last summer, in which Osbourne said, "Maybe she is just becoming the fat bitch she was born to be," and then shared the same self-righteous vengeance expressed in the Us quote.

In the Us piece, Osbourne also refers to herself as a "FFP" (formerly fat person): "And when you're an FFP, you will always see in yourself what people used to bully you for." This is proof that she understands the cruelty she's imparting. She's actually flaunting her awfulness.

What's even worse is that she's supposedly suffered tremendously in the face of this particular brand of celebrity awfulness. In 2010, she told Shape:

I was called fat and ugly in the press almost my entire life … It sets you up to hate yourself in a huge way. I was so angry about the things people said about me. I truly believe it's the main reason I turned to Vicodin and ended up in rehab three times. I just hated myself.

Cool. Awesome to set someone up to hate herself in a huge way over some shit that went down when you were children (here's a vintage Access Hollywood clip that nicely sums up the inanity, which sprung from Osbourne melisma-shaming Aguilera). Osbourne's equally loathsome mother Sharon said that the fat talk led to a "complete mental breakdown." Why wish that on someone else? Oh right, because Kelly Osbourne is evil (it doesn't help that she's also wrong — Aguilera isn't even fat). Maybe she isn't even aware of her hypocrisy, which makes the whole situation sloppy. And sloppiness is such an FFP cliché.

[Images via Getty]