
Two and a Half Men's Half-Man Is Now a Bearded Preacher

Jay Hathaway · 03/17/14 04:45PM

Angus T. Jones, formerly one of the highest-paid child actors in TV for his work on Two and a Half Men, has fully backed out of the show to pursue a new beard and his relationship with God.

Bus Driver Fired After Forcing Prayer on Students

Lacey Donohue · 11/06/13 11:40PM

A school bus driver in Minnesota was fired last week after leading kids in Christian prayers while driving. George Nathaniel, 49, a bus driver for the Burnsville School District had already been reassigned and given a warning due to his repeated praying, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to exercise what he believes is his “freedom of speech.”

Public University Tries to Create a Christian Dorm

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 12:04PM

Just when you think that the state of Alabama has taken the summer off from providing fodder for desperate bloggers, Troy University— a public university, based in Alabama— goes and announces it's opening a brand new dorm just for Christians.

Pat Robertson: Legalize Marijuana

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/12 11:11AM

Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcast Network star and host of "The 700 Club," to the New York Times: "I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. I've never used marijuana and I don't intend to, but it's just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn't succeeded." Free the Virgin Mary Jane.

Boy Under Water for 20 Minutes Is Now Completely Fine

Brian Moylan · 08/10/11 11:12AM

Twelve-year-old Dale Ostrander was swimming in the Pacific Ocean in Washington with his church youth group on Friday when he was dragged underwater by a riptide. He was submerged for 20 minutes before rescue workers found him. Now he's just, you know, totally fine.

Rick Perry Teams Up With Jesus to Bring America Jobs

Max Read · 08/06/11 04:01PM

Worried about the U.S. government's recently-downgraded credit rating? Don't be! Texas Governor and possible presidential candidate Rick Perry and 30,000 people just asked Jesus to help out with all of America's problems, and he should be here in an hour or so.

Either Jesus or the Star of Your Nightmares Appears on Receipt

Lauri Apple · 07/16/11 12:37PM

Jacob Simmons and Gentry Lee Sutherland, an engaged couple from Anderson County, S.C., believe the man's face that magically appeared on their Walmart receipt is maybe Jesus's face, and therefore a blessing from God. What do you think?

The Real Housewives of the Bible Actually Exists

Brian Moylan · 07/12/11 12:57PM

If you thought you were annoyed by Bravo's endless cavalcade of big haired, bigger-titted, biggest mouthed ladies of the various Real Housewives franchises, just wait until you meet the Real Housewives of the Bible.

Courageous: Let's Hear It For the Christian Boys

Richard Lawson · 06/29/11 02:48PM

Here's a trailer for Courageous, a new inspirational movie from the geniuses who brought you Fireproof, the Christian anti-divorce drama starring Kirk "Banana Hands" Cameron. That film was about a fireman making difficult decisions, this one is about policemen making difficult discussions.

Unmarried, Unemployed Evangelical Pastors Cry Out Against 'Singlism'

Richard Lawson · 03/22/11 08:57AM

In this troubled economy, many people are having a hard time getting a job. Though, most of those people probably aren't denied opportunities because of their marital status. Not so for Evangelical Christian clergy folk, some of whom are now speaking out about "singlism," job hiring discrimination against lonely single ministers.

Ted Haggard Comes Out as a Bisexual 21-Year-Old

Adrian Chen · 01/26/11 08:04PM

Disgraced former evangelist/methhead Ted Haggard is finally (sort of!) ready to admit that he is not straight, no matter how much gay-bashing he indulged in to prove it. In a new GQ profile, he says he's bisexual, sort of.