Gang of a Hundred Masked Neo-Nazis Reportedly Gather in Sweden to 'Punish' Refugee Children
Melissa Cronin · 01/30/16 04:13PMHow I Identify Is Not Your Choice
Sultana Khan · 11/10/15 01:52PM
In April, several months before Rachel Dolezal became head jester of racial appropriation court, Rush Limbaugh called celebrated black image activist and feminist Michaela Angela Davis, “a mixed-race little orphan Annie.” The statement was shockingly ugly, a blatant reminder from the court’s self-appointed king that, even in 2015, the intermingling of races would not to be tolerated. Davis, who does not identify as mixed race, would never be allowed to determine her own identity. Last week, upon publishing a piece in the Washington Post titled, “The day my daughter realized she isn’t white,” Lisa Papademetriou unwittingly stumbled into place beside Limbaugh and was coronated queen.
Neighbor Upset With Noisy Kids Allegedly Sent Family Note to Say "The Children Look Delicious"
Brendan O'Connor · 10/21/15 09:05PMEleven-Year-Old Boy Accused of Murdering Little Girl Who Wouldn't Let Him Play With Her Puppy
Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/06/15 08:34AMAdult Lawmaker Ruins Children's Bill Submission With Anti-Abortion Joke
Andy Cush · 03/20/15 09:51AM
A group of New Hampshire fourth-graders who traveled to the state's capital in Concord to learn about the joys of civic engagement were given a surprisingly realistic picture of the American legislative process after one lawmaker used their bill—a proposal to name the red-tailed hawk the official state raptor—as an opportunity to rail against the evils of abortion.
Daycare Worker Caught On Camera Kicking Sleeping Toddler in Head
Aleksander Chan · 01/21/15 01:59PMAutistic Child Who Went Missing Christmas Eve Found Dead in S.C. Pond
Dayna Evans · 12/26/14 03:08PMHamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 04:09PM
Child Sleepwalks Three Miles After Dreaming House Was on Fire
Dayna Evans · 09/15/14 11:35AMWhat I Learned From My Mother's Education
Anupa Mistry · 09/06/14 01:44PM
There's a story involving my mother and a pink snowsuit that surfaces every time I'm on the precipice of dropping serious dough on an ostentatious piece of clothing. It goes like this: One day when I was seven, Mom and I were trawling Sears when I stumbled upon the perfect pink snowsuit. I don't remember what was so amazing about it except that its bright magenta was identical to the shade in the 64-colour box of Crayola crayons. I had to have it.
Peggy Noonan Is a Normal American
Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/14 09:05AMPolice Arrest Mother Who Abandoned Baby on Subway Platform
Aleksander Chan · 07/08/14 06:43PM
Police arrested 20-year-old Frankea Dabbs on abandonment charges after she purposely left her seven-month-old daughter in her stroller on a subway platform at Columbus Circle Monday. Dabbs was spotted on the Upper West Side around midnight Tuesday by someone who recognized her from security footage released by police.