
Don't Hotbox Your Car if Your Two-Year-Old Is in the Backseat

Max Read · 12/02/11 02:53PM

There are a lot of parenting books out there, but not all of them answer the very pertinent question, "Is it okay to hotbox my car with my two-year-old son in the backseat?" So allow us to answer: No. No, it is not okay.

Abusive Judge Suspended, Faces New Complaint

Lauri Apple · 11/23/11 04:57AM

Texas court-at-law judge William Adams—who became the Internet's top persona non grata after his daughter Hillary posted a video showing him viciously beating her in 2004—has been suspended with pay while Texas' Commission on Judicial Conduct continues investigating him. He still doesn't admit guilt, though!

Judge Beats Disabled Daughter on Video

Max Read · 11/01/11 10:59PM

Here's a video, recently uploaded to YouTube, showing a man whip his disabled daughter with a belt, apparently for downloading games and music. The man is a Texas court-at-law judge named William Adams. His daughter's name is Hillary. And she's the person who recorded and uploaded the video.

Don't Burn Your Baby in the Oven

Lauri Apple · 10/16/11 02:43PM

What could be worse than roasting your baby in a hot car like it's some kind of squirmy potato? How about "dropping your baby in the crater of an active volcano"? Yes, that's definitely on the list. But so the less exotic "burning your baby in the oven," the activity we'll explore today.

Don't Hit Autistic Kids With Fly Swatters

Lauri Apple · 10/07/11 06:30AM

The parents of a severely autistic 11-year-old boy in Virginia are suing their local school board and two former school employees for $20 million for negligence and abuse. Their strongest piece of evidence: disturbing school bus surveillance footage of an alleged attack on the boy.

Disabled Schoolkids Were Forced to Chew on Vinegar-Soaked Cotton Balls

Lauri Apple · 10/01/11 01:39PM

A teacher and two teacher's aides at a Texas elementary school disciplined their special-needs fifth-graders by soaking some cotton balls in vinegar and shoving them into the kids' mouths. Some of the kids couldn't talk. If they can't talk, they can't complain.

Is This Guy the World's Worst Grandpa?

Jeff Neumann · 09/02/11 07:13AM

If you read a story about Christopher Carlson taking his three young grandsons to the Grand Canyon this month for some hiking and bonding, you might go, "wow, that's really nice of him." Then consider that he took the kids — ages 8, 9 and 12 — on a 19-mile forced march in 108-degree heat and you might go, "wow, what an asshole." Oh, and there's much, much more. From the Arizona Daily Sun:

Mother Allegedly Beat Son for Having a Facebook Page

Lauri Apple · 08/14/11 10:58AM

Althea Ricketts says that where she comes from, hitting kids with computer cables is a "common" way to discipline them. This is ostensibly why she allegedly she beat her son with a computer cable for having a Facebook page.

Casey Anthony Will be Free in 6 Days

Maureen O'Connor · 07/07/11 10:12AM

Though she escaped the death penalty in the trial over her daughter's death, Casey Anthony has been sentenced to four years in jail for lying to police during the investigation into Caylee Anthony's disappearance. A smiling Anthony wore her hair down at today's sentencing hearing—between good behavior and time served, her stay in the slammer may not be much longer. [NYT, image via AP]

Botox Mom Loses Custody

Maureen O'Connor · 05/16/11 01:37PM

Well, that was quick. Good Morning America reports that Botox Mom Kerry Campbell has lost custody of the 8-year-old daughter she bragged about beautifying with Botox and "virgin waxes." Child Protective Services is investigating the case; in the meantime little Britney Campbell is away from her mother and "doing well." [GMA]

Patriarch of Piano Prodigy Family Charged with Sodomy, Sexually Abusing Daughters

Richard Lawson · 02/17/11 12:43PM

Keith Brown, the father of the popular classical piano quintet The 5 Browns, has been charged in a Utah court with "one first-degree felony count of sodomy on a child and two second-degree felony counts of sexual abuse of a child," according to the AP. While the actual court records don't name the victims, a spokesman for the 5 Browns has confirmed that the case involves Brown's three daughters Desirae, Deondra, and Melody. The alleged abused occurred on several occasions over a period ranging from 1990 to 1998.