If you read a story about Christopher Carlson taking his three young grandsons to the Grand Canyon this month for some hiking and bonding, you might go, "wow, that's really nice of him." Then consider that he took the kids — ages 8, 9 and 12 — on a 19-mile forced march in 108-degree heat and you might go, "wow, what an asshole." Oh, and there's much, much more. From the Arizona Daily Sun:

[Carlson] is accused of beating them, making them walk on ulcerated blisters, denying them food and water, and forcing them to run up the trail under the intense sun.

This sounds like some extreme, violent version of Outward Bound.

The boys told investigators that they had been hit, pushed, choked, pinched, squeezed and whipped during the day's hike, and that they had vomited several times, sometimes when the man forced their fingers down their throats.

And not only that, but "the boys' lips had been sunburned off," according to the paper. So yes, with the exception of this guy, I'll go ahead and say that Carlson is officially the world's worst grandpa (and a total piece of shit).

[Arizona Daily Sun; images via AP/Indianapolis Metropolitan Police]