
Anti-Gay Chicken Man Dies

Aleksander Chan · 09/08/14 10:35AM

The family of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy confirmed his death Monday morning. He was 93. Cathy's fast-food chicken empire, with 1,800 stores in 39 states and in D.C., topped $5 billion in sales in 2013. With an estimated wealth of $6.3 billion, Cathy was one of the richest men in the U.S. His son, Dan Cathy, currently serves as president of the company, which has drawn ire for its vocal opposition to gay rights.

Is This Chicken a Dick or What?

Andy Cush · 08/08/14 09:07AM

Dirty Bird, a Welsh fried chicken company, insists its new logo is not a penis. But is it a penis? (It is a penis.)

An Ex-Chick-fil-A Employee Robbed a KFC

Aleksander Chan · 06/26/14 05:40PM

Jeffrey Coley, 50, a former employee of Chick-fil-A, is accused of holding up a KFC drive-thru in Rock Hill, S.C. and speeding away with the cash register drawer containing $516.02. A day later and after a bit of a car chase, Coley was arrested by police in his Plymouth Neon, where the cash drawer was sitting on the seat with a little less than a gram of methamphetamine.

KFC Secretly Rolls Out Chik-fil-A Knockoff Restaurant

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/14 08:17AM

This week, Arlington, Texas will get the thing it most desperately needs: a new greasy fast food chicken restaurant. But this greasy fast food chicken restaurant marks the launch of a greasy fast food chicken restaurant war.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/13 01:12PM

Consumer Reports bought and tested more than 300 chicken breasts. "More than half of the chicken breasts were tainted with fecal contaminants," and two thirds of them tested positive for E. coli.

At Last Someone Speaks Against the Drumstick: Chicken Parts, Ranked

Tom Scocca · 06/28/13 04:07PM

"Maakies" cartoonist Tony Millionaire, or his cartoon alter ego Drinky Crow, has delivered a vivid and much needed denunciation of the gristle-laced food-engineering debacle known as the "drumstick," one of the worst popular items of food, and one of the least appealing offerings from the generally delicious carcass of a chicken.

Rat Meat Sold As "Lamb" In Multi-Million-Dollar Chinese Scam

Ken Layne · 05/03/13 11:50AM

The latest terrible fake food scandal from China resulted in more than 900 arrests after criminal meat processors sold the chemical-soaked flesh of rats and foxes as "lamb meat." As more Chinese demand a daily supply of dead farm animals as food, crafty criminals are butchering and processing anything that moves.

Fried Chicken Chips Combine America's Three Greatest Passions

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/12 08:28AM

If the average American had his way, every item that he encountered on a day-to-day basis—cars, household appliances, furniture, children—would be breaded, fried, and then cut into "chip" size for purposes of snacking convenience. Also, all of the aforementioned things would be made of chicken. The great folks in the fast food industry are doing everything in their power to make this "American Dream" come true.

You Can No Longer Rationalize Eating Chicken

Max Read · 03/09/11 03:30AM

Chicken, the easiest of all non-fish meats to convince yourself it's okay to eat on moral grounds, is now a little more difficult to rationalize consuming. A new study seems to indicate that the birds can feel empathy—meaning they can theoretically feel the pain and distress of other chickens: