An Arizona woman was so disturbed at finding a chicken foot in a package of chicken breasts at her local Safeway that she tweeted a photo and alerted the media.

"Hey, @Safeway, does this look like 'chicken breast' to you? I'm vomiting," tweeted "Southern girl at heart" Lindsey of Phoenix, apparently unaware that chicken breast is "not just a lump of meat running around the barn," as one Facebook user put it.

Lindsey later sent a statement to news organizations, saying she was "shocked" and "disgusted" by what she saw, and immediately contacted the store's manager to have it removed.

When she went back in a little later and saw that the chicken foot was still sitting there among the other chicken body parts, she quickly alerted the news to the unacceptable situation.

Safeway reached out to Lindsey to say they would take care of it, but hopefully they don't.

[screengrab via Twitter]