
Chelsea Clinton's Husband Fucked Up

Ashley Feinberg · 05/11/16 12:35PM

Marc Mezvinsky, husband to Chelsea Clinton and occasionally successful hedge fund manager, thought it would be a good idea to bet on the Greek economy a few years ago. But unfortunately for him and the rest of his firm, it was not. Mr. Chelsea Clinton has fucked up.

Horse Girl Georgina Bloomberg Trying To Make This About Her

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/16 05:59PM

Rumor has it the contentious 2016 presidential election is tearing apart famous acquaintances Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump. “I am also here!!!” says Georgina Bloomberg, who is, in typical horse-girl fashion, trying to make it all about her.

NBC Paid Chelsea Clinton $600,000 To Be Chelsea Clinton

J.K. Trotter · 06/13/14 02:35PM

A few years ago, NBC News hired Chelsea Clinton as a “special correspondent”—which meant, in practice, that Bill and Hillary’s daughter didn’t have to do any actual reporting. It turns out that coddling a child of privilege is very expensive! Politico reported on Friday morning that NBC News paid Clinton $600,000 per year to star in hard-hitting segments such as:

Chelsea Clinton Is Pregnant

Jay Hathaway · 04/17/14 03:36PM

Chelsea Clinton, scion of a former president and a possible future one—and more recently, vice-chair of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation—has announced she's pregnant, according to CNN's Robert Yoon.

Crush Nepotism Wherever It Lives

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/13 12:18PM

The New York Times reported yesterday that JPMorgan Chase is under federal investigation for hiring the children of China's elite with the explicit goal of boosting the bank's business prospects. Good. Nepotism on Wall Street is just as gross as nepotism at the media outlets that cover Wall Street.

What’s This Times Piece About the Clintons Saying?

J.K. Trotter · 08/14/13 05:50PM

Early this morning, the New York Times unveiled a 2,878-word, A1 investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the eponymous philanthropic arm of the Clinton family’s equally unquenchable ambitions. “PAPER TAKES DOWN CLINTON FOUNDATION,” Drudge trumpeted; “devastating,” The Telegraph gasped. Uh, but: the piece doesn’t seem to have much of a point. Is the Times trying to say something it can’t print?

Nepotistic Celebukid Not the Next Edward R. Murrow After All

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 12:44PM

Last year, NBC News hired Chelsea Clinton to "report" on things for them, because here in America, major news networks are purely in the entertainment business and the privileges of dynastic nepotism will get you everywhere. That is why she was hired. Because of who her parents are. It has nothing to do with her abilities, or the concept of "journalism." I'm sure she's nice and smart and all. But that is not why she was hired by NBC News. Okay? Now. How is that going?

The 10 Least Fascinating People of 2011

Seth Abramovitch · 12/14/11 06:50PM

Tonight, the American Broadcast Company airs Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2011, wherein TV's grande dame of celebrity reacharounds offers profiles of some of the most spellbinding figures of our time. This year's list includes the likes of Katy Perry (fascinating breasts), Donald Trump (fascinating hair), Simon Cowell (also fascinating breasts), Herman Cain (finds breasts fascinating), and the Kardashians (fascinatingly stupid). As a companion piece, we have compiled this list of The 10 Least Fascinating People of 2011. Think of it as a love letter to everyone who bored, bothered, or left us utterly cold over the past 12 months.

Chelsea Clinton's Super Boring TV Debut

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/11 11:20AM

Yeah, last night was the TV debut of Chelsea Clinton, NBC's newest """""journalist.""""" All you non-famous kids out there who saddled yourselves with a lifetime of debt in order to pay for journalism school, who are now either unemployed or underemployed or stuck at some boring dead end niche publication wondering how your journalism dream turned out so differently than you imagined: maybe Chelsea Clinton will put you in one of her charity news segments on teevee one day. That would be a dream come true for you.

Chiefs of Staff Are the Hottest New Rich Person Accessory

Adrian Chen · 12/05/11 12:10PM

Chelsea Clinton gave what appears to be her first-ever interview to the New York Times. And we were surprised to learn that the 31-year-old has a "chief of staff." She's not the only one. Ultra-Rich People Trend Alert!

Newsweek Sucks

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/11 02:45PM

In your finally Friday media column: Newsweek sucks, Chelsea Clinton's NBC infiltration works, a bodybuilder becomes a magazine editor, drone journalism arrives, and your angry layoff rant of the day.

Celebukid Reporters and the Age of News-ertainment

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 10:05AM

So, Chelsea Clinton is joining NBC "News" to "report" on "Making a Difference." We'll pause here as you get out all of the obvious jokes. (Pause.) Great. Now, let's take a moment to contemplate just how vapid our nation's most powerful "news" networks really are.

Chelsea Clinton Joins Team Barry Diller

Ryan Tate · 09/26/11 06:27PM

Chelsea Clinton is joining the board of Barry Diller's InterActiveCorp, according to an SEC filing, in between working toward an Oxford doctorate and helping with father Bill Clinton's philanthropic endeavors.