Marc Mezvinsky, husband to Chelsea Clinton and occasionally successful hedge fund manager, thought it would be a good idea to bet on the Greek economy a few years ago. But unfortunately for him and the rest of his firm, it was not. Mr. Chelsea Clinton has fucked up.

Mezvinsky’s fund, dubbed Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity, had originally raised $25 million to buy “Greek bank stocks and government debt,” according to The New York Times. As the Greek economy continued to fester, though, the fund lost about 90 percent of its value. And now, it’s forced to shut down entirely. From the Times:

Eaglevale Partners, a Manhattan hedge fund firm founded by Mr. Mezvinsky and two former Goldman Sachs colleagues, raised money for the Hellenic fund at a time when some on Wall Street had hopes for a revival in the Greek economy. For a time, Mr. Mezvinsky appeared at hedge fund conferences promoting the Greece investment thesis.

The hedge fund game is an inherently risky business, sure. But this is just another mark against Chelsea Clinton in (what we presume is) the ongoing battle for Hillary’s love. At least Hillary can relate to Huma’s husbands fuck-ups.

[h/t Vanity Fair]