
South Park Punching Bags Battle to be Free of Ridicule

Matt Toder · 04/15/10 12:47PM

South Park has shown that it excels at making fun of celebrities for their egomaniacal nature and of the oversensitive reverence paid to religious figures. Last night's episode brought both together and the result was simply magical.

Jim Cramer Sets Up Shop on Manhattan Street Corner

Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/10 04:20PM

A tipster tells us this photo was taken about 1:30 this afternoon on Madison Avenue. There is financial guesser Jim Cramer, just standing out on Madison Ave., typing financial data things on his computer. Really? Crazy, if true!

25 Celebrity Twitters You Need to Be Following

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/16/10 12:30PM

Like the greater Twittership at-large, celebrity tweets are mostly pointless. Facts easily learned from other sources bore readers and clog feeds. Obvious topics and endless LOLs are even more unnecessary if the personality that makes the poster celeb-worthy is absent.

Obama Turns Ordinary Man into Celebrity Magnet

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/10 02:28PM

Tom was just like you: an ordinary schmoe from Jersey, with a kid and a job in banking and a pronounced inability to attract celebrities into his general vicinity. Until one day when he met Barack Obama, became magnetized, and proceeded to attract celebrities, in much the same way a magnet attracts metal. Moments ago, Tom sent out this lengthy press release, informing the world of his strange and wondrous saga of celebrity attraction. We want you to read it all. It is just that important.

Howie Mandel's OCD Memories

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 12/11/09 03:18PM

Upstaging a retinue of guests which included hoarders and OCD sufferers with his own staggering neuroses, Howie Mandel recounted a traumatizing event from his childhood on The Bonnie Hunt Show today: his parasitic sandfly infestation.

Anna Nicole Smith Clowns Around

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 11/28/09 03:00PM

Were she alive, today would be Anna Nicole Smith's forty-second birthday. Here, only months before her death in 2007, she is seen in clown makeup, confusing the 8 month old fetus living inside her for a bout of gas.

Scandalous Evidence Mounts: Letterman Had Human Emotions, Relationships

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/09 09:03AM

Will David Letterman ever live down the shame of being the first American to sleep with someone at work? Let's hope not! Sexxxy Letterman revelations this morning: Another fling, pictured! Dave's alleged Halderman hate rage! And, what will happen tonight?!?