
Would You Be Fooled by Any of These Celebrity Lookalikes?

Brian Moylan · 10/06/10 04:40PM

Toronto-based photographer John Hryniuk has spent the past couple of years photographing subjects at celebrity lookalike conventions. Do you think these George Bushes, Barack Obamas, Sarah Palins, Tiger Woods(es), and Hillary Clintons are as good as the real thing?

Hundreds of Celebrities Spied on By State Department Rogue

Ryan Tate · 10/06/10 10:40AM

A government clerk has been charged with improperly accessing computerized passport data on hundreds of celebrities and their families. Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali had her information compromised, and the family is up in arms.

Wyclef Hospitalized for Vague Reasons

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/10 04:13PM

Former Haitian presidential candidate and Fugee Wyclef Jean has been hospitalized for "stress and fatigue," in addition to "headaches." The simple fact that those are all often euphemisms for more scandalous conditions should not be construed as meaning anything. [Billboard]

Celebrities Are Awful: Gifting Suites Edition

Richard Lawson · 08/26/10 12:49PM

Today celebrities are awful because of awards gifting suites. You know, where millionaires are given extravagant amounts of fancy free shit because they're famous. Well the Emmys are on Sunday and this year the suites are all about charity.

It's Time for Lady Gaga to Go Away

Brian Moylan · 08/04/10 03:00PM

The onslaught of Lady Gaga has been fast and ubiquitous, and her Vanity Fair cover has the publicity machine working overtime. We love you, Gaga, but if you want to keep the love alive, you need to take a break.

Nicole Kidman and Marion Cotillard Are So Fabulous It Hurts

Maureen O'Connor · 07/22/10 04:41PM

Nicole Kidman interviewed Marion Cotillard for Interview magazine, and the result was either glorious or insufferable, depending on your perspective. It begins with the actresses calling to each other in the secret language of fabulosity:

Now You Too Can Smell Like Bruce Willis

Richard Lawson · 07/06/10 10:44AM

The actor and bald person is releasing his scent all over America's face. His musk has been infused into cologne, body wash, and deodorant, and this Thursday you can buy it all. Hopefully it's Moonlighting-era smell, not Color of Night.