[There was a video here]

Last week CBS correspondent Lara Logan announced that 60 Minutes would apologize on Sunday night’s broadcast for airing an interview with a Welsh security contractor named Dylan Davies, who lied about visiting the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, when it came under attack in September 2012. You can watch Logan’s tepid apology—in her words, a “correction”—in the video above.

We end our broadcast tonight with a correction on a story we reported October 27 about the attack on the American Special Mission Compound in Benghazi [...] The most important thing to every person at 60 Minutes is the truth, and the truth is, we made a mistake.

Several questions raised by the program’s most prominent critics—Michael Calderone of The Huffington Post and David Brock of Media Matters—have yet to be answered, such how Davies was vetted by 60 Minutes and whether the program knew Davies had provided to his employer, Blue Mountain Group, and 60 Minutes producers, contradictory accounts of his response to the Benghazi attacks. Logan’s 90-second apology didn’t come close to addressing these concerns.

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