
Lost Hiker Forced to Cuddle With Cat for Warmth

Louis Peitzman · 03/11/12 12:09PM

Here's a short but sweet palate-cleansing story: lost hiker Margaret Page was stranded for three and a half weeks in a New Mexico forest. In order to stay alive, she cuddled with her cat Miya in her sleeping bag — both were able to brave below-freezing temperatures.

Finally, a Cat is Running For Senate

Emma Carmichael · 02/27/12 12:49PM

America's screaming, LOLCat conscience has finally found a suitable outlet in Hank, a Virginia cat that is running for Senate. Hank, an independent, is running against former Virginia governors George Allen and Tim Kaine. If you're feeling inspired, you can sign up to be one of Hank's volunteer phone bankers here, and then you can seek psychological help elsewhere.

Russian Man Gives His Cat the Least Creative Chest Tattoo

Leah Beckmann · 02/16/12 11:01AM

Nothing to see here folks, just your typical Sphynx cat broadcasting "carpe diem" from his be-tatted chest. It's a cattoo! This man should be punished not just for animal abuse, but also for his poor taste in tattoos.

Answers to All of Life's Little Mysteries

Maureen O'Connor · 02/07/12 04:51PM

"What If All the Cats in the World Suddenly Died?" Yahoo News asked today. Intrigued by this mysterious world without cats (What would we put bread on?) I clicked the link and found myself at Life's Little Mysteries, a LiveScience sister site dedicated to answering search-engine optimized questions of childlike wonderment like "Why are there holes in 'Swiss' cheese?" and "Who Will Succeed Kim Jong-Il?" (Trick question. Can't be answered.)

Hot New Internet Meme: 'Breading' Cats

Adrian Chen · 01/31/12 11:30AM

Forget planking. All the cool kids are putting their cats in bread and taking pictures of them looking like little yeasty lions. "Breading" is a throw-back to the old Japanese "putting-food-on-rabbits" meme of the early viral web, but with a modern twist.

Dogs Need to Shut Up About Cats

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 01:23PM

It's like hey, dogs, we get it. You hate cats. Fine. We heard you the first time and the second time and the one millionth time, with the barking. Maybe you should bark at a cat again? No, you should shut up!

Congressional Candidate's Aide Comes Home to Dead Cat with 'Liberal' Scrawled on Its Side

Jim Newell · 01/23/12 03:04PM

Jake Burris, campaign manager for Arkansas 3rd District congressional candidate Ken Aden, returned home with his family last night and found their cat lying dead on the front porch with "LIBERAL"scrawled across its side. The cat, according to Aden's campaign, "had one side of its head bashed in to the point the cat's eyeball was barely hanging from its socket." You can view the somewhat disturbing photo here. (You can't make out the bashed-in head or danging eyeball, fortunately.)

Chinese Billionaire Killed by Poisoned Cat Meat Stew

Seth Abramovitch · 01/04/12 10:08PM

A billionaire tycoon from China named Long Liyuan died suddenly and mysteriously two days before Christmas. The only clue: a still-steaming bowl of half-eaten cat stew. Could it be? No, it's simply too easy, too dastardly, altogether too meowtrageous! But it's true: The cat stew was poisoned!

Fat Old Women: Now That's Funny

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/11 03:19PM

New painkiller! Holiday eating! Gum health! Infant drugs! Fat ladies! Swine flu! Coma boy! Allergy cats! And a foolproof stop smoking plan that just might work! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—fatalistically!

It's Time to Stop Dressing Up Your Pets for Halloween

Leah Beckmann · 10/27/11 03:21PM

According to Wendy Williams and this other lady whose parents must be very proud of her for becoming a "pet fashion stylist," it is very trendy and important to dress your dog up for Halloween because there are a lot of events you both should be attending.

Man Attacks Cat for Making Him 'Depressed'

Lauri Apple · 10/26/11 05:22AM

Isn't it frustrating when some furry cat goes and leaves its hair all your clothes, complicating your efforts to present a cleaner and tidier You? Doesn't it make you want to just, I don't know, murder the cat with a pen, or choke it, or both? No?

Play With a Cat Over the Internet

Seth Abramovitch · 10/06/11 11:56PM

Cats and the internet: They go together like peanut butter and jelly. But until now, we could only enjoy online cats in the most passive of ways. No more! Thanks to the iPet Companion, you can control robotic cat toys at humane shelters around the country with the click of a computerized mouse! You can even move the camera around. It's really fun!

Anna Faris' Husband Gave Their Cat Away on Twitter

Brian Moylan · 10/05/11 04:48PM

Anna Faris' husband, fellow actor (and Parks and Rec costar) Chris Pratt, is getting a lot of heat on Twitter because he used the social networking Penny Saver to give away the couple's 15-year-old cat away. Now that all the friends of felines are hitting him back, he's making it even worse.

Cat with Two Faces Sets World Record

Maureen O'Connor · 09/27/11 05:32PM

Meet "Frankie and Louie," a 12-year-old cat with two faces and two names. Guinness World Records says he is the world's longest-living Janus cat. (Fun fact: That is what they call two-faced cats, on account of two-faced Roman god Janus.) Most Janus cats die within hours of their births.