
Missing Cat Found After Five-Year, 1,800-Mile Journey

Jeff Neumann · 09/15/11 07:10AM

Willow the cat (pictured) was picked up on East 20th Street yesterday, and her microchip led Animal Control to her owners in Colorado — five years after she went missing. Willow's owners "still have her little Christmas stocking." [AP]

Scientists Produce Glow-in-the-Dark Cats

Lauri Apple · 09/11/11 08:36PM

When scientists insert rhesus macaque genes plus jellyfish genes into unfertilized cat eggs, the cats that result post-fertilization are resistant to feline immunodeficiency virus, which causes feline AIDS. They also glow fluorescent green under "special" lights. What if you do this to human eggs?

Over 200 Animals Found at Home with Fatally Ill 14-Year-Old

Max Read · 09/10/11 02:59PM

Cops in Berwyn, Ill. responded to a report of an unresponsive 14-year-old boy on Thursday night. They apparently found him—dying—outside the home. Investigating inside they discovered more than 200 animals in the 1,100-square foot home.

Florida Couple Breaks U.S. Cat Hoarding Records

Seth Abramovitch · 08/17/11 01:18AM

Police raided Florida's Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary (population: 692 fewer cats than they had before), and in doing so uncovered "the biggest case of cat hoarding the Humane Society of the United States has ever participated in." The proprietors of said kitty slum, Pennie and Steven Lefkowitz, are each facing 47 counts of animal cruelty, which includes one for a neglected rooster. All charges are third-degree felonies.

Man Has Sex With Cat Before Throwing It Out Window

Max Read · 08/06/11 11:55AM

Meet Gerardo Martinez! Mr. Martinez is facing "several charges" after admitting to police that he had sex with a cat and then threw it out of a window, killing it. Shockingly, he was high on meth.

What Do We Do With All These Cats?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/11 10:26AM

New York City is overrun by cats. The city's launching a program to sterilize strays, just to avoid having to build more shelters to hold the teeming masses of fur and teeth. What do we do with all these cats?

Here's a New Video of Endangered Sumatran Tiger Cubs

Jeff Neumann · 05/09/11 06:26AM

Proof positive that the internet is still just one big repository for cat videos: WWF Indonesia released this one of a Sumatran tiger and her cubs taken over a two month span on the island of Sumatra. The forest where the tigers were recorded is set to be destroyed to build plantations. There are thought to be around 400 Sumatran tigers left — down from 1,000 in the 1970s.

The Word 'Pet' is Now Considered Insensitive

Seth Abramovitch · 04/28/11 09:56PM

Are you one of the millions of people worldwide who count a dog, cat, ferret, or any manner of other non-human, eating-and-pooping creatures among your family members? If so, take note: You may want to reconsider the term "pet" when referring to them. An editorial in the Journal of Animal Ethics says that term, along with words like "critters" and "beasts," is derogatory language that can give your four-legged loved ones an inferiority complex.

This Cat Survived an Arrow to the Head

Brian Moylan · 04/13/11 02:47PM

Being a cold-hearted snake (look into my eyes) I'm usually not a huge fan of cat pictures on the internet, but these have a bit of cruelty and unbelievability to them. These aren't cat pictures— these are a healthy cat with an arrow through its head pictures!

This is Why You Shouldn't Annoy Your Predator

Preksha Kumar · 04/05/11 05:15PM

While the upbeat soundtrack and silly antics may be entertaining, this video could be a tragic story of a bird trying to protect its nest from a predatory cat. Or it could be a very effective anti-bullying method. Either way, nature can be cruel.

Cat Can't Hide Guilt From Owner

Lisa Gagliardi · 04/04/11 10:20AM

When this man came home to find his plants destroyed he searched for answers in his cats. While one seemed very nonchalant the other was obviously hiding something.

Smutley the Promiscuous Cat Cartoon Teaches Us About AIDS

Kristina Grosspietsch · 03/28/11 12:45PM

In what seems to be a NSFW parody of vintage Disney, this PSA shows Smutley the cat selflessly screwing every other cartoon animal he can find to teach us a valuable lesson about AIDS. Mickey would be proud.