
What Your Favorite Easter Candy Says About You

Brian Moylan · 04/22/11 05:25PM

Sunday is Easter, which means that today's the last day when you can go to the drug store and find a sprawling selection of the seasonal sweets that only Jesus' resurrection brings. Everyone has their favorite treat around this time of year, and your selection says a lot about you. Now is your time to head to CVS and get a bag or box of your candy of choice, because after tomorrow the "Easter Bunny" will have bought up all the goodies. But before you go for that sugar rush, let's take a look at what your selection means. [Photo above via Flickr]

And Now, Another Freaky Japanese Advertisement

Matt Cherette · 12/06/10 01:49PM

If you had to advertise some sort of chocolate candy, what would you do? If you're in Japan, you'd put your head—and the heads of your friends—onto cartoon birds' bodies and have them walk in a circle... right?

These Are the Halloween Candies That Will Make You Fat

Brian Moylan · 10/26/10 11:49AM

You may be too old for trick-or-treating, but there'll still be ample treats around the office and at the parties you attend this Halloween. Here's the candy to avoid if you want to fit into your costume again next year.

Behold: The World's Largest Gummy Worm

Annie Fleming · 10/23/10 04:00PM

You may have heard of the World's Largest Gummy Bear, but that pales in comparison to the World's Largest Gummy Worm! It weighs 3 pounds, packs 4,000 calories, and is 128x the size of a standard gummy worm.

James Franco Is a Drag Queen Cover Girl

Maureen O'Connor · 10/06/10 09:11AM

James Franco poses for a transvestite magazine. Kim Kardashian is "down for some hookups." Michael Lohan tries to visit Lindsay and gets rejected. Freak escalator accident nearly kills Bruce Willis. Wednesday gossip is full of surprises.

Snickers Creates a Delightfully Freaky Halloween Commercial

Matt Cherette · 10/05/10 12:00PM

Halloween is a few weeks away, and you know what that means: holiday-themed commercials! This one for Snickers, which features a freaky woman in the grocery store who pushes the candy on an unsuspecting woman, is awesomely weird. Watch inside.

A Fond Farewell to Candy Cigarettes (Update: Not Really!)

Maureen O'Connor · 06/23/10 04:39PM

Today is the first day of an America without candy cigarettes. Banned by a smoking prevention law prohibiting candy and "fruit-flavored" cigarettes, the badass big brother of the Pez dispenser is officially contraband. Update: Wait! Candy cigarettes can stay!

The Cadbury Egg-Smashing Machine

Michael Jordan · 02/23/10 05:42PM

Some very bored soul made a very cool Cadbury Creme Egg smashing machine. His roommates must be such patient people.

Redefining Luxury (Downwards)

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/09 11:11AM

The Way We Live Now: Not fucking around, that's for sure. Would you be fucking around, in this day and age, when neither soothing twopenny candies nor free alcohol can calm the bloody Central Park Balloon Vendor Wars?

Sugar Shack, USA

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/09 10:58AM

Interesting: during this recession, candy sales are way up. Even the unemployed are finding that in tough times, it doesn't cost much at all to help trend story writers. [NYT]

Flaming Hot Actress Stocks Up On The Sugary Essentials

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/07/08 05:50PM

Click to Popular actress Lindsay Lohan stopped by a Los Angeles area gas station to pick up what she considers to be her life force: candy! The star of such films as I Know Who Killed Me and Just My Luck purchased the min mart’s entire stock of Sprees, Sour Patch Kids, and a few bottles of Nesquik chocolate milk. Lohan hoped her restocking mission would keep her going through at least Wednesday afternoon. [Photo Credit: WENN] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.