
Desperate Michele Bachmann Goes on Blowtorching Rampage

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 05:00PM

This is Michele Bachmann's finest hour. I mean, for us, not for her. What do you think? My impression is that when you make a comically low-budget ad throwing together some clips of pretty much every other candidate being liberal-ish once or twice in their lives and sourcing your claims, however valid or not, with "," you're likely in the twilight of your run.

Libya Question Leads to Hot Herman Cain Brain Fart Action

Jim Newell · 11/14/11 05:25PM

In a meeting with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's editorial board, Herman Cain was asked whether he agreed with President Obama on Libya or not. Maybe that was vague, but that's a good thing! It invited him to simply deliver his canned spiel about Libya. He did have a canned spiel about Libya, right?

Bachmann: America Should Be More Like China

TPM · 11/14/11 12:15PM

Michele Bachmann thinks America blew it by extending a safety net to millions of Americans under President Johnson's "Great Society." Her solution? Model the economy after communist China.

The Newt Gingrich Surge Is On

Jim Newell · 11/11/11 12:15PM

Around this time last week, we gave the fickle Republican base voters 10 days to start getting over this Herman Cain thing and commence with the "Gingrich Surge," "Newtmentum," "The Newtening," "Fat Head Makes Good" — whatever you prefer. With three days to go, it looks like they're complying. We were just screwing around. Oops!

Mitt Romney: 'I've Been as Consistent as Human Beings Can Be'

Jim Newell · 11/03/11 04:11PM

Mitt Romney, when pressed by a New Hampshire editorial board about his *somewhat* contradictory opinions on top political issues over the last decade, had this to say: "I've been as consistent as human beings can be." Hmm. Really? He must be joking. Really? Oh, Mittens.

Third Woman Accuses Herman Cain of Sexual Harassment

Jim Newell · 11/02/11 03:47PM

A third woman has accused Herman Cain of "what she considered aggressive and unwanted behavior by Herman Cain" when she worked at the Herman Cain-led National Restaurant Association in the 1990s.

Rick Perry's Happiest Ad

Jim Newell · 10/31/11 01:58PM

Ah, so this is that version of Rick Perry who, according to folklore, is known to chug a full bathtub of champagne and benzos. It's his latest Iowa ad! "I'm a doer, not a talker," he says, cheerily, allowing sprightly music to plug up the holes in his otherwise hackneyed message. The man couldn't be any happier, as he skips off to a garden party in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Herman Cain Is Tired, Will 'Slow Down'

Jim Newell · 10/28/11 01:51PM

We're at the point in the presidential campaign where Herman Cain was supposed to be dropping out and having a nice, leisurely tour to promote his latest motivational book. And yet here he is having to give, and screw up, all of these national media interviews all the time, as the frontrunner. Some "supporters" those supporters are, giving him all of this support! It's time to "slow down," says his campaign.