Good news for Herman Cain: He's come up with a better response to that question about whether he's ever been accused of sexual harassment than asking the reporter the same question! Bad news: His new answer is yes.

Cain's fun day of appearances at various events in Washington D.C., where he'd be asked relentlessly about this, included a stop to Fox News today, where he finally acknowledged that yes, he's been accused, but those allegations are wrong and he's been always polite to nice ladies:

"I have never sexually harassed anyone, but yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association," he said.

He added that he does not know that a settlement was paid out against the two complainants, and said "If more allegations come, I assure you that people will simply make them up."

"The only other allegations will be trumped up allegations," he said.

The clip is even more shocking. No Halloween costume, at all? C'mon.