
Rich Republicans Are Still Trying to Field a Half-Decent Presidential Candidate

Jim Newell · 12/07/11 01:15PM

Think about it, a little more: Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. It wasn't the best year for recruiters of Republican presidential candidates. And now that the deadline has passed in most early states to get on the primary ballot, there's no chance for anyone else to jump in. Unless the incompetent rich Republican donors "pull some strings," or whatever it is that the rich do in emergencies.

What If Donald Trump Held a Debate But the Candidates Didn't Show up?

Jim Newell · 12/06/11 05:17PM

Keep in mind is that Donald Trump has already won. He got the opportunity to moderate a presidential debate right before primary season, and two candidates have already accepted. To get even one candidate to accept an invitation to something so blindingly stupid and farcical would've been a once-in-a-generation political feat. Nevertheless, it's possible that the final head count may stop at two debaters, leaving the debate well short of maximum comedic capacity.

Ron Paul's Just Gonna Blow Up Everything

Jim Newell · 12/05/11 05:20PM

The Ron Paul campaign has channeled a new muse in its latest campaign ad, "BIG DOG," and it is one long championed by our foremost aesthetes: Those Denis Leary commercials where he rants about Ford F-150s while scary words fly all over the place.

Mitt Romney Reminds Voters of Their Horrible, Horrible Fathers

Jim Newell · 12/05/11 03:50PM

What flavor of eternal hatred for Mitt Romney are Republican primary voters trying out this week? He's not merely a liar, an opportunist, a socialist, and a member of the Utahan Space Jesus cult anymore. Now he's also the dad who went out for cigarettes and never came back, or did come back, only to ignore you.

Mitt Romney's Brilliant Lecture on the Art of Flip-Flopping

Jim Newell · 12/05/11 12:50PM

Here, courtesy of old Romney clip digger-upper Andrew Kaczynski, is Mitt Romney describing to a group of uninterested old Iowa ladies at the 2004 Republican convention the phenomenon of John Kerry's flip-flopping. It's an excellent briefer on how competent politicians can end up flip-flopping. Thanks, Mitt Romney!

Rick Perry Determined to Make His Ads as Lifeless as Possible

Jim Newell · 12/02/11 06:00PM

What is this shit, Perry? Here we've got the third Rick Perry ad of this week, and what does it tell us: nothing. No, strike that: It tells us something. It tells us that the Rick Perry campaign is just going to spend all of that money it raised this summer on worthless bland ads until there's nothing left, and he can finally peace the hell out and return to his beloved Niggerhead.

Herman Cain Ad Boasts of Lie Detector Test That He Didn't Take

Jim Newell · 12/01/11 02:20PM

Give it up for Americans for Herman Cain, the SuperPAC that appears to be competing with the Cain campaign proper to determine which makes the funniest ads. This one here, it's a real treat. It implies that Herman Cain passed a lie detector test, thus conclusively revealing the "truth" about his various sexual harassment allegations. Clever move, Super PAC! But one should note that Herman Cain has not actually taken a lie detector test.

Have You Seen Herman Cain 'Drinking Like a Fish'?

Jim Newell · 11/30/11 01:51PM

Does Herman Cain just drink constantly on the campaign trail? We didn't hear much about this as he was becoming the frontrunner, but the faster he plummets, and the more his allies turn on him, the more delicious these stories should become! It's already starting.

What a Rick Perry Comeback Strategy Won't Look Like

Jim Newell · 11/29/11 03:10PM

The other storylines are spent: Newt Gingrich surging, Herman Cain maybe dropping out, Mitt Romney hanging in there, still, while being hated by his political party. But about our man Rick Perry? Sure, he's a terrible candidate who screws himself over each time he does anything in public. And his campaign's funding has mostly dried up, although he still has a modest stack of summer cash in the bank. How will he come back, even though he probably won't? It is a three-part strategy.

Herman Cain Preemptively Denies Having a 13-Year Affair

Jim Newell · 11/28/11 05:15PM

A Fox affiliate in Atlanta plans to run a story tonight about a woman claiming she had a 13-year affair with Herman Cain. How do did we learn about this? Herman Cain just popped up on CNN to warn us. A hot scoop for Herman Cain!

Mitt Romney's Dark History of Occasional Rage

Jim Newell · 11/28/11 03:55PM

We're still monitoring Mitt Romney for the moment in which his bottled-up frustrations rise to an unsustainable level and he explodes, in triumphant fashion. But what would it look like? Well, there'd be body parts to go along with the machine parts laying all over the place, of course, since it would be an explosion. But stories of his previous outbursts offer some clues for what the build-up to the final blast might look like.

Mitt Romney Is Impure, Going to Mormon Hell

Jim Newell · 11/21/11 05:09PM

Mitt Romney is a good Mormon, a model member really, who does not drink alcohol or coffee or smoke tobacco. Sorry, let me fix that: Mitt Romney was a good Mormon, or at least considerd such, until today. He's come clean and admitted that he has, in fact, imbibed death juice and — dare we say it? — puffed a death puffer. Another flip-flop, and one that could land him an eternity on whatever distant sulfuric planet it is (Delaware?) that they keep Mormon Hell on these days.

A Brief Guide to 'Ideas Man' Newt Gingrich's Latest Brilliant Ideas

Jim Newell · 11/21/11 03:55PM

Newt Gingrich is just a factory of rich, intellectual, stimulating ideas that no one has ever considered before, as Newt Gingrich is the only person who meets the intelligence threshold necessary to conceive him. Gingrich himself has been telling us this for 30 years, and finally — finally — we cretins have agreed to coronate him as president. Sorry, to keep you waiting, sir! Now that we've come to our senses, let's look at some of the impeccable policy ideas perfected each day in the Gingrich Idea Cave that will make it to the Gingrich Administration.