All of Herman Cain's conservative buddies are ditching him now, after word came out that he was allegedly sexing up a non-wife gal for 13 years. No longer is this a "high tech lynching" in their minds. Why are they ditching this true conservative? Where's the support during tough times? For that, we must turn our attention to the most fascinating place on earth: The Arizona state Senate.

After digging far and wide, the liberal media was able to find a remaining loyal Cain supporter in Arizona state Sen. Lori Klein. Klein last popped up in the national news when she was carrying her raspberry-pink gun around the state Capitol and pointing it at a reporter's face. She simply doesn't believe these women who are accusing Herman Cain of sex things. If that's the kind of person Herman Cain is, then why hasn't he made any moves on her yet? From CBS News:

She says she has known him for 12 years and he's "never been anything but a gentlemen - and I am not an unattractive woman."

Klein suggested that if Cain is innocent he should sue White for libel and went on to attack the media for digging up the allegations. She also said that in politics, "we want a virgin to do a hooker's job."

And we haven't even had a virgin in the race since Tim Pawlenty left! What a waste of an election cycle.