
Which Candidate's Campaign Spends the Most Money on Pizza: An Investigation

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/02/16 01:26PM

There is nothing more American than pizza, a dish we stole from another culture, claimed as our own, and have argued about ever since. It’s deeply American in other ways, too; fatty, mostly cheap, and occasionally exceptional. So of course, it’s a clear favorite when it comes time for our presidential candidates to feed their hungry, freedom-loving staffers.

Wall Street's Political Influence Is Growing

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/16 12:05PM

The latest numbers on presidential campaign donations for this election cycle show that even while all the candidates are vowing to take on Wall Street, the political power of Wall Street’s money is increasing.

Campaign Finance Reform Is Going Backwards

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/14 09:40AM

If America ever wants to shed our cynical, accurate view of our political system being solely a game for the rich, we must—must!—reform the way we finance political campaigns. This week, Congress is determined to take a big step in the wrong direction.

New York State Politicians Are Still For Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 12/08/14 11:30AM

Grim-face political celebukid and New York governor Andrew Cuomo has long vowed that he wants to reform the corrupt political cesspool that is Albany. How's that going?

No Matter Who Wins, Money Wins

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/14 12:18PM

It is election day, when we celebrate the uniquely American system of democracy, in which every single dollar gets a vote.

Stephen Colbert Gives Us Another Lesson In the Scummy Tactics of Super PACs

Matt Toder · 05/08/12 11:07PM

The shady ways that Super PACs influence elections with large anonymous donations have become a sticking point for Stephen Colbert and he revisited the issue on tonight's Colbert Report. Tonight he examined the even shadier 501(c)4 loophole where the organization never has to disclose donor information because they are technically "social welfare organizations" which is high comedy to say the least.

Mitt Romney Has the Creepiest Secret Rich People Donors

Jim Newell · 08/04/11 11:31AM

Here's just the latest sign that our campaign finance laws are healthy in every way the Founding Fathers could have imagined: A secret company that no one knows anything about has given Mitt Romney's SuperPAC $1 million and quickly dissolved into nothingness. The folks behind this fly-by-night operation are probably relaxing on a beach in Mexico by now! Oh man.

Serious FEC Ruling On Stephen Colbert's Campaign Finance Joke

Jim Newell · 06/30/11 11:55AM

The Federal Election Commission gets it — Stephen Colbert is punking them. But they treated his request for an advisory opinion like anyone else, and on Thursday granted him the ability to form a "super PAC" and have his parent company Viacom pay for most of the costs of the PAC's activities without having to disclose most expenditures as in-kind donations.