
Ron Paul's Campaign Gets to Have All the Fun

Jim Newell · 12/12/11 03:40PM

Ron Paul's got it made. While Mitt Romney is struggling to save his pretty-boy campaign, and Newt Gingrich is trying to clarify what "going negative" means, Paul is releasing these long, futuristic ads beating the dickens out of everyone (in this case, Gingrich).

'Not Going Negative,' the Most Meaningless Campaign Pledge

Jim Newell · 12/12/11 12:55PM

Just as Newt Gingrich was rising to his spot as the nearly prohibitive favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination, he made a pledge not to "go negative" on his political opponents. Or, in cocksure Newt-speak: "They're not going to be the nominee. I don't have to go around and point out the inconsistencies of people who aren't going to be the nominee. They're not going to be the nominee." But guess who's pointing out his opponents' "inconsistencies today, and always, very negatively? This is the worst pledge ever.

A Brief Guide to Conservatives Freaking Out over Newt Gingrich

Jim Newell · 12/09/11 01:15PM

It did not seem possible that Newt Gingrich, star of the biggest political flameout of the 1990s, would find himself weeks away from the 2012 Republican presidential nominating contests and leading by double-digits in both national polls and three of the four early primary states. But thank Allah he is! Go Newt! This is the best thing that's ever happened. Now let's watch some elite conservatives pundits squirm.

Rick Perry Determined to Make His Ads as Lifeless as Possible

Jim Newell · 12/02/11 06:00PM

What is this shit, Perry? Here we've got the third Rick Perry ad of this week, and what does it tell us: nothing. No, strike that: It tells us something. It tells us that the Rick Perry campaign is just going to spend all of that money it raised this summer on worthless bland ads until there's nothing left, and he can finally peace the hell out and return to his beloved Niggerhead.

Herman Cain Ad Boasts of Lie Detector Test That He Didn't Take

Jim Newell · 12/01/11 02:20PM

Give it up for Americans for Herman Cain, the SuperPAC that appears to be competing with the Cain campaign proper to determine which makes the funniest ads. This one here, it's a real treat. It implies that Herman Cain passed a lie detector test, thus conclusively revealing the "truth" about his various sexual harassment allegations. Clever move, Super PAC! But one should note that Herman Cain has not actually taken a lie detector test.

Sarah Palin Ad Made All the More Awesome by New-Age Pure Moods Soundtrack

Max Read · 11/28/11 08:17PM

As it turns out, all I ever needed to be convinced that Sarah Palin should run for president was this minute-long ad, which manages to edit together the half-dozen complete and syntactically correct sentences that Palin's been able to get out in her public career, aired over a series of low-resolution photographs (maybe switching to HD will help? Nope!) and set to the strains of classic Pure Moods jam "Adiemus," by Adiemus. Though, to be honest, I'd basically support anything that features "Adiemus." Sarah Palin, genocide, terminal illness, whatever—just play "Adiemus" and I'm behind it 100 percent.

Romney's First TV Ad Is, Like Romney, Boring and Wrong

Max Read · 11/21/11 11:37PM

Here's Mitt Romney's first television ad! It is fantastic, in the sense that it manages to encapsulate, in the span of one minute, the entire Romney "brand": boring, wrong, nonspecific and slightly dishonest. (It's not so fantastic in the "at all engaging to watch" sense.)

Rick Perry Is So Lazy That He Doesn't Even Use Verbs

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 03:24PM

Here's the latest brilliant ad from Rick Perry, in which he takes President Obama to the woodshed for saying at a conference this weekend, "We've been a little bit lazy I think over the last couple of decades." An outraged Perry responds, "Can you believe that? That's what our president thinks wrong with America?" Well, dude, you were just too lazy to include the word "is" in your slickly produced new ad, so maybe the president has a point. Get it together, man! It's November, for Christ's sake.

Desperate Michele Bachmann Goes on Blowtorching Rampage

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 05:00PM

This is Michele Bachmann's finest hour. I mean, for us, not for her. What do you think? My impression is that when you make a comically low-budget ad throwing together some clips of pretty much every other candidate being liberal-ish once or twice in their lives and sourcing your claims, however valid or not, with "," you're likely in the twilight of your run.

Vote for Putin, While Getting Laid

Jim Newell · 11/10/11 01:56PM

Here's a creepy sex video from Vladimir Putin's United Russia party, disguised as a get-out-the-vote ad. It shows two people sexing in a polling booth with the tagline, "Let's do it together." Well, this works, but perhaps the corollary would've been stronger: Don't vote, and get shot in the head by secret police.

Same-Day Voter Registration: A Secret Gay Plot?

TPM · 11/08/11 12:26PM

Here's an interesting way to rally opposition to a ballot proposition that would allow for same-day voter registration: convince voters that it's being pushed by gay activists and their pro-gay agenda.

Obama Campaign Warns: Support Me Now or Disappear Forever

Jim Newell · 11/07/11 12:22PM

Here's the latest chilling Obama campaign video, "What if...?", which warns of what will happen if supporters don't start donating, knocking doors, or handing out pamphlets and stuff starting right now.

Democrats' Most Terrifying Anti-Romney Ad Yet

Jim Newell · 11/02/11 11:37AM

Here's a new 90-seconder from the Democratic Super PAC Priorities USA highlighting all of the things that could go wrong if the country elects Satan as the next president. Or is that Mitt Romney? It's hard to tell, with all of the terror screams and thunder and all around evil atmosphere going on here.

Rick Perry's Happiest Ad

Jim Newell · 10/31/11 01:58PM

Ah, so this is that version of Rick Perry who, according to folklore, is known to chug a full bathtub of champagne and benzos. It's his latest Iowa ad! "I'm a doer, not a talker," he says, cheerily, allowing sprightly music to plug up the holes in his otherwise hackneyed message. The man couldn't be any happier, as he skips off to a garden party in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Great Moments in Rick Perry Campaign Ad History: Explaining Social Media

Jim Newell · 10/26/11 03:50PM

Rick Perry's Texas campaign ads came a long way from their simplistic, early days, when he would just play around in sausage factories. By 2009, at the start of his most recent gubernatorial campaign, he'd set his sights on higher vistas: harnessing the power of social media. Watch as a smug little cartoon figure flops around while narrator Perry explains how to use Twitter, "a 'microblog' used to connect with friends and find out what they are doing."