
BuzzFeed Editor Benny Johnson Engaged In Even More Plagiarism

J.K. Trotter · 07/25/14 01:12PM

Benny Johnson, the 28-year-old Viral Politics editor at Internet leviathan BuzzFeed, came under fire from two Twitter users on Thursday for copying text from a variety of sources, including Yahoo! Answers. Today the same users, @blippoblappo and @crushingbort, provided several more instances where Johnson stole the work of others—including, Wikipedia, and National Review—and passed them off as his own.

BuzzFeed Editor Caught Lifting Text From Yahoo! Answers

J.K. Trotter · 07/24/14 01:16PM

Yahoo! Answers, one of the great artifacts of Internet history, is intently studied at viral news website BuzzFeed, where its trove of half-literate questions (and even less literate answers) has supplied material for at least fifty different posts and listicles. One BuzzFeed editor, however, has streamlined this aggregation process to its vanishing point: Simply copying text from Yahoo! Answers and pasting it, without attribution, into his own work.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/14 08:21AM

"What Peretti doesn't know about the 1960s creative advertising revolution would crash BuzzFeed's servers. Their lazy, base, uncreative listicle advertising has nothing to do with the Mad Men era." Copyranter profanely critiques his former employer's native advertising.

Fired BuzzFeed Editor to Take Over The New Inquiry

J.K. Trotter · 06/02/14 10:55AM

Following a brief stint at social-viral manufacturing plant BuzzFeed, writer Ayesha Siddiqi has been named the new editor-in-chief of The New Inquiry, a non-profit literary journal based out of New York. Siddiqi writes in a memo obtained by Gawker:

Tyler, the Creator Is Currently Terrorizing Buzzfeed

Jordan Sargent · 05/14/14 01:55PM

BuzzFeed is both the 44th most popular website in America and a constantly revolving red carpet for celebrities, both animal and human, who regularly swing through the site's offices in Flatiron. Today brought the charmingly rude skate-rapper Tyler, the Creator,'s not going well.

Site Glitch Reveals Who Nominated Themselves For Pulitzer Prize

J.K. Trotter · 04/17/14 04:00PM

As part of its secretive judging process, the Pulitzer Prize committee closely guards the names of outlets and reporters who submit their work for consideration. But a loophole in the Prize’s online submission website inadvertently revealed that BuzzFeed and The Daily Beast sought but did not win journalism’s highest honor.

Donald Trump Staffer Fires Self Over BuzzFeed Profile

J.K. Trotter · 02/17/14 12:10PM

It’s not easy working for Donald Trump. Following BuzzFeed’s lengthy evisceration of the real estate titan’s presidential ambitions, one of Trump’s aides, Sam Nunberg, resigned from Trump’s full-time staff. Nunberg confirmed the resignation to Brian Stelter in an email, later obtained by Betsy Rothstein of The Daily Caller, in which he responds to BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins, whom Nunberg allowed to interview his former boss:

Business Insider Changed its Story on Buzzfeed

Adam Weinstein · 02/11/14 10:32AM

Yesterday, Business Insider chief correspondent Nicholas Carlson stuck a subtle shiv into his competitors at Buzzfeed, attributing the site's success in exploiting Facebook's ever-evolving newsfeed algorithm to its practice of buying traffic in the form of Facebook ads—as opposed to, you know, attracting readers. Then he took it out. Without telling anyone.

Nitasha Tiku · 12/13/13 06:07PM

Buzzfeed CEO Jonah Peretti just unveiled the prize for meeting the company's traffic goal: every employee was gifted with a drawing of a cat by his friend, "post-conceptual" artist Cory Arcangel. The previous traffic prize was an iPad mini.