BuzzFeed is both the 44th most popular website in America and a constantly revolving red carpet for celebrities, both animal and human, who regularly swing through the site's offices in Flatiron. Today brought the charmingly rude skate-rapper Tyler, the Creator,'s not going well.

Tyler is essentially a professional asshole, exactly the type of person who you want to randomly show up in your office on a Wednesday. Especially if your office is founded on ideals of positivity and enthusiasm such that has a "no haters" policy. Inviting Tyler and his friends to Buzzfeed is like inviting the skaters who smoke behind the van during lunch to a drama club meeting.

It's almost as if a constant stream of celebrities in the workplace might be a poor idea. (The most famous person in the Gawker office today is Sam Biddle.)

UPDATE: Tyler has responded.

He also went on HuffPost Live, where he said that he and Odd Future "just came in there trying to bring in so much yellow freaking filling to their gray, boring [lives]." On the subject of shooting off a Nerf gun in the office, he made this more or less unassailable argument: "How do you have a Nerf gun in there if you don't want anybody messing with it?"

On Instagram, he posted this video of one of the Odd Future kids pretending to be Batman (or something), which makes the entire scene seem absurdly uncomfortable.

[image via Getty]