Job-hunting at work is dangerous. Online multitasking is dangerous. Online multitasking your work with your job hunt is deadly. Just ask this Associated Press photo editor.

The accomplished photographer and editor sent half of her cover letter for a Buzzfeed photo-editing job, as an image caption, to all the AP's newspaper clients across the country:

Lauren Sherrick of Davenport, Iowa, helps paint a compass on the Mason City, Iowa, Municipal Airport ramp on Sunday, May 18, 2014. Instead of starting this cover letter by listing the top ten reasons why I am the perfect candidate to be Buzzfeed's photo essay editor, or creating a quiz about what type of job applicant, I, Karly Domb Sadof, am (because I imagine you have just finished reading half a dozen cover letters in those formats) I will say I am applying for Buzzfeed's photo essay editor position because I want to do to photojournalism what the Quiz and "listicle" have done to Lifestyle journalism. (AP Photo/The Globe Gazette, Arian Schuessler)

To her credit, Sadof appears to have caught the error quickly. Gawker's source says a corrected photo and caption were sent shortly afterward with the overline "CORRECTS TO REMOVE UNNEEDED INFORMATION." According to the source, "the metadata in the transmission of that photo shows the correction was moved by the same editor who transmitted the original photo."

The photo itself, sans the UNNEEDED INFORMATION, appears here.