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BusinessWeek gives another thousand words to anyone who will preach the Gospel of Apple — this time in yet another "present the way Steve Jobs presents!" puff piece. Corporate presentation coach Carmine Gallo treads where so many have tread before, with five points from Sales 101:

Sell the Benefit
Show the customer how the product will make them feel good. A great lesson, taught in 2000 in the book How to be a Rainmaker.

Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More
I think we actually have a saying for that. It's catchier.

Keep It Visual
Good advice, which Gallo spoils by crediting a 17% market cap increase to a Powerpoint presentation.

Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm
Unlike all the other areas in your life.

"And One More Thing..."
"At the end of each presentation Jobs adds to the drama by saying, 'and one more thing.'" Except when he doesn't.

It's Your Turn
The classic New Media appeal: "What are your suggestions? Write my next article!"

That's all for that piece. Do you have other pieces to deconstruct? Write my next article!

How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs [BusinessWeek]