
Confirmed Fraud Jonah Lehrer Has Yet Another Book Deal

Leah Finnegan · 11/11/14 05:56PM

Jonah Lehrer, a disgrace and a bullshit artist, has gotten (another?) book deal, because white men fail upward. Lehrer, who was revealed to have fabricated quotations in his 2012 book about Bob Dylan, as well plagiarized himself and others for the Wall Street Journal, the New Yorker, Wired, the Boston Globe, and the Guardian is working on a book with a UCLA professor about "how we think and behave differently on screens." (How do we behave, Jonah?)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/14 10:05AM

Well, it's done: New York governor Andrew Cuomo has declared yogurt the "Official New York State Snack." Andrew Cuomo is little more than a dancing puppet for Chobani's chalky, curdled agenda. Disgusting and outrageous.

Consultants: Consultants Are a Ripoff

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/14 10:56AM

When big organizations like colleges and universities are looking to cut cost, they often turn to high-priced consultants to tell them how to do it. But do those consultants really save as much money as they claim? No, say consultants who consulted on the consultants.

Shark Week Returns With Its Lies

Rich Juzwiak · 08/11/14 09:45AM

They aren't even trying anymore. For its 27th year of weeklong shark-oriented programming on the Discovery Channel, Shark Week returned last night with Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine. Like last year's Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives, it was a bullshit mockumentary production, something the Blair Witch would have scraped off her shoe.

Here Is a List of Wars That Started Over Major Horseshit

Adam Weinstein · 08/04/14 02:55PM

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson launched strikes against North Vietnam for attacking U.S. warships without provocation in the Tonkin Gulf. Six days later, Congress passed a "Gulf of Tonkin resolution" giving Johnson carte blanche to make war in Vietnam. It was a thin pretext for protracted conflict.

GOP House Report on Benghazi Concludes There Is No Benghazi Scandal

Adam Weinstein · 08/04/14 10:35AM

After two years of recriminations and investigations, the Republican-led House intelligence committee is reportedly set to release the results of a Benghazi investigation that found no wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the lead-up and response to the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

In Corporate Prison at the Ford Trend Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/14 09:30AM

The day before I went to Detroit, the city imposed a curfew due to fears of violence. The city was also in the process of shutting off water to thousands of its residents. It sounds bad. But as long as you stay inside a sealed corporate bubble the whole time, you'll never even know these problems exist.