
Band of Hooligans Chops Down a Tree to Steal a Bike

Brian Moylan · 06/09/11 05:30PM

There are senseless crimes and there is this. Four guys hanging out in Brooklyn early yesterday morning chopped down a tree so that they could steal the bike that was chained to it.

Dominatrix, Slave Have Romantic Outing in Brooklyn Park

Max Read · 06/08/11 11:07PM

Ah, spring! When a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of licking his dominatrix's boots in McCarren Park. A videographer at Brooklyn's hippest park caught the lovebirds—and the nonreaction of their neighbors—and uploaded it to (what else?) the "Animals & Pets" section of YouTube. Obviously, we've got copious video evidence that the New York City subway system is the most fun in the entire country. But did you know that city parks are similarly, uh, stimulating? [via Runnin' Scared/Village Voice]

Scaly Sea Monster Discovered Under Brooklyn Bridge

Maureen O'Connor · 05/26/11 11:19AM

On his evening commute, a Manhattan cyclist spied a strange beast at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. It had the scales of a fish, body of a serpent, head of a pit bull, and was the size of a large alligator. It was lying on a blue blanket, perhaps part of some strange ritual involving the can of Bud Light next to it. Unless these are the remains of a beer-swilling chupahipstera that died trying to reach Manhattan?

Brian Williams Can't Stop Making Fun of Brooklyn

Richard Lawson · 04/11/11 04:55PM

NBC News hero Brian Williams made us laugh last year with a very funny takedown of the New York Times' constant trend reporting on magical bobo borough Brooklyn. Well, he's at it again, only he's skipping the Times stuff and aiming squarely at Brooklyn this time.

This New Yorker Wants All Your UFO Sightings

Adrian Chen · 04/10/11 04:38PM

68-year-old retired computer consultant Joe Capp has set up a 24 hour UFO hotline and has received almost two dozen sightings so far. Unfortunately the New York Post article does not include the phone number! Must be 1-800-I-SAW-UFO.

When Brooklyn Had Pot Plants 'as Tall as Christmas Trees'

Max Read · 03/23/11 11:01PM

Thousands of people in Brooklyn will tell you how great Brooklyn used to be. I never took those people seriously. Until I heard how once, pot plants "as tall as Christmas trees," grew in "anonymous vacant lots" in Brooklyn.

Brownstone Brooklynites Absolutely Terrified of Hip-Hop Music

Richard Lawson · 03/02/11 12:50PM

As the huge (largest-ever in Brooklyn) and controversial Atlantic Yards development project, adjacent to some of Brooklyn's most bobo-filled enclaves, makes further progress, the level of hysteria rises and rises. The latest story has a group of Park Slope residents freaking out about a new bar opening in their neighborhood (in anticipation of arena crowds supposedly) that they fear will dare to play hip-hop music.

New York City Councilman Robbed Twice in One Morning

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/11 09:26AM

Stephen Levin is the New York City councilman from right here in beautiful Greenpoint, Brooklyn! I remember the fresh-faced, plucky young lad campaigning in the neighborhood just months ago. We Brooklynites show our appreciation to Levin by robbing him repeatedly.

The Today Show Under Attack by Deranged Weirdo

Brian Moylan · 02/22/11 01:24PM

Taping in Rockefeller Center sure is dangerous, and not because of all the annoying tourists. Today while taping in the outdoor plaza, a crazy person hopped the barricade and lunged for hosts Meredith Vieira, Al Roker, and an android known as the Willie Geist 3000. Don't worry, no weathermen were injured in the making of this film.

Black FDNY Worker Gets a Noose After Discrimination Claim

Jeff Neumann · 02/07/11 07:26AM

Watch out if you plan on filing a race discrimination complaint against FDNY — you just might find a noose hanging in your locker. At least that's what Gregory Seabrook, a communications electrician for the department, says happened to him last Thursday.

Let's Get Plowed

Brian Moylan · 01/27/11 07:01PM

[The streets in Brooklyn were clear today for these women to walk their dogs in the road. More pictures of post-snowfall frolicking inside. Image via Getty]

A Tree, Snows in Brooklyn

Brian Moylan · 01/21/11 08:01PM

[A pristine view from Brooklyn of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge this afternoon. The snow may look pretty right now, but good luck walking around in the slush all weekend. Image via Getty]