
Child to Be Literally Born Into New York Art Scene

Seth Abramovitch · 10/09/11 09:19PM

In perhaps the most exciting display of obstetrical performance art since Karen Finley birthed a yam back in the early '80s, Brooklyn-based artist Marni Kotak is letting a gallery audience observe the delivery of her first child.

Brooklyn UFO Sighting Caught on Tape: 'Shiiiiit'

Maureen O'Connor · 10/07/11 01:12PM

Updated. Bushwick resident and YouTube user TheFallGuy53 was minding his own business, sitting on his front stoop, when suddenly, an apparition of light. A UFO, lurking in the north Brooklyn sky!

2 Broke Girls: A Great Show Trapped in a Sitcom's Body

Brian Moylan · 09/20/11 11:07AM

I'll admit, I tuned into CBS' new comedy 2 Broke Girls last night with much trepidation. Here is a show about two mismatched waitresses in a Williamsburg Diner—on CBS. It had the potential to do everything wrong. Surprisingly I was won over, but it's still doing everything wrong.

Human Placenta Smoothies: Popular in Brooklyn

Maureen O'Connor · 08/22/11 02:25PM

Welcome to the terrible nexus of Foodie and Earth Mama culture: In "The Placenta Cookbook," New York Magazine reports that the placentas of Brooklyn are no longer content to be buried in gardens, or ground into powder and consumed as nutrient-rich dietary supplements. (That is so 2009.) Every placenta who is any placenta gets blended into a coconut juice smoothie, or Bloody Mary, or placenta jerky strip:

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Apple Store

Adrian Chen · 08/16/11 05:23PM

New York City already has four huge Apple stores, which are doing fine keeping the city's residents stocked with overpriced pieces of metal. But that's not good enough for Brooklyn borough president Marty Markowitz. He's begging Steve Jobs for an Apple Store.

Coffee Shop's Stupid Lawsuit Against the New York Times Tossed

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 01:28PM

A judge has thrown out a defamation lawsuit filed by "Brooklyn-born and bred" coffee shop Gorilla Coffee against the New York Times—upholding the paper's right to report on mean things that people say about each other during disputes. Kind of an important part of a newspaper's job, if you think about it.

Politician's Car Shot Up in Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/11 08:24AM

William Boyland Jr., a Democratic New York state assemblyman from Brooklyn, was driving his Yukon down Sutter Ave. in Brownsville last night with his seven year-old son. Then—hello!—somebody started shooting, and a bullet blasted out his back window.

'High Class' $3,400-an-Hour Prostitution Ring Busted in Brooklyn

Max Read · 07/20/11 07:29PM

Seventeen men and women were arrested in Brooklyn on Wednesday and charged with running a pricey prostitution business called "High Class NY". A lucrative prostitution business, too—according to the D.A.'s office, the company raked in $7 million over three years.

Brooklyn Man Kicked off Airplane for Swearing

Maureen O'Connor · 06/13/11 01:40PM

Sitting in an airplane on a tarmac in Detroit, lifelong Brooklynite Robert Sayegh turned to his seatmate and said, "What's taking so fucking long to close the overheard compartments?" Shortly thereafter, the pilot turned the airplane around. Police removed Sayegh from the plane for being "disruptive."

Shooting on Boardwalk Kills One, Injures Four

Max Read · 06/09/11 11:09PM

A fight broke out on a crowded boardwalk in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn on Thursday afternoon, culminating in gunfire that killed one person and injured four on the hottest day of the year so far. It's unclear what started the fight (apparently, one man hit another with an umbrella just before the shooting broke out) or who two of the victims are (the woman who died and a man in "grave condition" were both wearing bathing suits and not carrying ID), though police apparently have one person in custody. It's hard not to think that the heat was partially responsible—both for bringing huge crowds to the boardwalk, and for fraying nerves and heightening tempers—but, for what it's worth, studies show that hot months have similar crime rates to cold months. [NYDN; image via @Copacabanaa]