Seventeen men and women were arrested in Brooklyn on Wednesday and charged with running a pricey prostitution business called "High Class NY". A lucrative prostitution business, too—according to the D.A.'s office, the company raked in $7 million over three years.

The company was apparently run by Mikhail Yampolsky (upper left in the Daily News' array of mugshots) and his wife Bronislava (lower right); the other 15 people arrested include Yampolsky's son and step-son and "eleven of their managers and supervisors," and "two of their largest investors." And how did they manage to make so much money? Finance assholes, of course:

"I've been informed that customers are all high-end customers, coming from the financial markets many of them, hedge fund people, people with nothing but money, willing to pay these enormous amounts of money for God knows what," Hynes said.

Rates for the hookers, who provided out-call services, ranged from $400 to $3,600 per hour.

One guy spent $170,000 in just one year! (That's about two full days of the most expensive sex worker available.)

Apparently a not-particularly-sophisticated password system ("champagne" meant "coke"!) allowed the women, who were mostly in their 20s and "of all races" (except, according to Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes, "no one Irish"), to bring drugs to their assignations.

Of course, none of the johns have been charged. But that's doesn't mean they won't be! So, if you are a hedge fund manager who spent a lot of time on "," you might want to retain counsel.