
If Only Tiger Had Cheated At a More Opportune Moment

Ryan Tate · 12/07/09 07:00PM

A critic took issue with Tiger Woods' timing, of all things; a tech exec threw down against Barry Diller; and Olivia Munn gave Mr. Thunderstorm something to wet. The Twitterati were stepping to 'em.

Discussing the Blow-Jobby Part of Journalism

Ryan Tate · 11/30/09 08:40PM

Sarah Silverman compared her feelings to quicksand; Rob Thomas compared President Obama to President Bush; and a newspaper staffer likened the story process to oral sex. The Twitterati turned up the contrast.

Would You Buy a Trendy, $1,000 Mini-Pig?

Ryan Tate · 10/07/09 07:02PM

Micro-swine divided flack from newspaperman; inept cabbies kept two journalists from drinking together and there is something happening involving sex pigeons. The Twitterati made fuzzy friends.

How a 'Made' Startup Was Clipped

Ryan Tate · 08/18/09 12:33PM

Two years ago, music service iLike appeared to be set: Its CEO said it was "made," its investor mused it could be a "billion-dollar winner," and the press was enthralled. Now the poster child is a cautionary tale.

The Twitterati Give Their Divorce Lawyer a Porn Name

Owen Thomas · 05/11/09 05:33PM

The problem with Twitterati isn't so much oversharing as undercaring. Laurel Touby's apartment woes, Lockhart Steele's porn name, and Penelope Trunk's divorce bill are as good as the media elite's tweets get!

So, seriously, neither of you spray tan? Hahahaha

Owen Thomas · 05/28/08 06:00PM

CARLSBAD, CA — D6 conference organizer Kara Swisher and bicoastal überflack Brooke Hammerling prepare to torment former Facebook COO Van Natta, who doesn't seem to mind. Can you suggest a better caption? Do so in the comments, but behave yourselves and be clever, or I'll ban all you filthy louts. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: Jimmy the Saint, for "Sometimes that new iPhone is just a cigar."

Revision3 and Adroll entertain the Valley's ad-slingers

Jackson West · 04/17/08 01:20PM

William Hesketh Lever once said, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don't know which half." For over a decade, it's been promised that online advertising will fix that. On that note, we made nice with Brooke Hammerling, the bicoastal tech insider who observed that no one can agree on metrics, whether you're talking click fraud or online video downloads. (We've picked ours — pageviews — and we're sticking to it.) Companies like Kiptronic, which hosted the Revision3 party last night, have engineered interesting technology for counting videos, but in any case, you still need humans to move the inventory. At the Adroll party at Slide, silver-tongued founder Jared Kopf was seen giving his pitch — "price discovery algorithms" and "social discovery" — to Alan Cutter, CEO of ACLion, an ad-sales recruiting specialist. Cutter told us that he has a database of over 150,000 ad-sales executives; he's the guy you go to when you need to hire a salesperson in New York. Photos of some of the people who sell every last slice of the advertising pie, and convince you that the half that doesn't work tastes just as sweet:

Brooke Hammerling, online-video PR rep, weighs in on online-video audience debate

Jackson West · 04/15/08 08:00PM

BrewPR's snacky flack Brooke Hammerling penned a guest column for Silicon Alley Insider, arguing that the Web video industry needs to come up with a strict viewership metric. Though she doesn't mention it in the piece, New York-based online-video startup NextNewNetworks is a Brew client. (It's disclosed, in tiny type, at the end.) We could ask why Henry Blodget is giving a self-interested company rep a soapbox, or why they couldn't fix the red eye in Hammerling's photo. But the real question is why Hammerling suddenly cares about online video analytics.

Fake Steve Jobs gets down with San Francisco's filthiest hacks

Owen Thomas · 11/08/07 08:00PM

The dirty secret behind last night's book-tour party for Dan Lyons, the man behind the Fake Steve Jobs blog? Rumor is it almost didn't happen, thanks to a little tiff over who was going to rep him. Flack fight! After the jump, the real battle over Fake Steve.

Silicon Valley's secret matchmaker

Owen Thomas · 10/30/07 12:24PM

These days, a startup raising $1.5 million hardly seems noteworthy, so I was inclined to dismiss the news that Curbed Network, a New York-based blog franchise, had brought in that modest amount. This despite the fact that Lockhart Steele, Curbed's cofounder, is a friend and helped recruit me to Valleywag when he worked at Gawker Media, and Nick Denton, Valleywag's owner, is one of the investors in this round. No, I was more intrigued by the name of another investor: Zach Nelson, the Larry Ellison protégé who's CEO of NetSuite, the Web-based software company which has filed to go public. How could these two have possibly connected? A quick reading of the social graph revealed only one candidate: Brooke Hammerling, the hyperconnected founder of Brew PR and Valleywag's original Snacky Flack. The coast-swapping Hammerling says her career as a yentapreneur began when she invited Steele, a baseball fan, to an Oakland A's event hosted by Nelson. Hope you got a cut, Brooke.

Much love to Web 2.0

Megan McCarthy · 10/17/07 05:45PM

The week of Web 2.0 Summit, with the industry converging on San Francisco, seems like as good time as any to throw a shindig. Everyone's in town for the schmoozefest, so you might get to meet quality people who normally avoid the party scene. While my boss hit the Reddit party, I hopped around town to some of the other events. Three, in fact. VC firm True Ventures held a gathering at their offices on Pier 38, a tech industry jam session — for charity, naturally — occurred across town at the Rickshaw Stop, and VCs Eric Chin and Mike Jung held a private party at Fluid for attendees of their intimate Alpha dinners in Woodside. Who needs sleep this week?