Squirrel Porn, Rappers Dot Twitterati Wish List
Jennifer 8. Lee sought a "20something architect... construction worker... rapper," presumably for her Village People tribute band ; Elliot Holt ran into two squirrels and snapped a money shot; and Marissa Mayer mulled literature. The Twitterati were definitely seeking something.
Elliot Holt of One Story Magazine brought squirrel porn into the microblogging era. Small animals, small medium. Appropriate!
Marissa Mayer quoted Tom Clancy. We'd never have pegged the Google bigwig as a fan of techno-thrillers, but her and Clancy both strive to make them.
Jennifer 8. Lee's source wish list read eerily like Julia Allison's blogger wish list. We tried not to think about it.
Silicon Valley PR maven Brooke Hammerling might have grown up in New York, but she'll always be a California girl at heart. Judging from her taste in music, at least.
Former Googler Kevin Marks, a social networking guy, took a dig at the type of software that actually makes people more productive.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.