Rogert Ebert made John Mayer's quote personal; Jason Calacanis made John Mayer's quote professional; and Brooke Hammerling made John Mayer's quote menstrual. The Twitterati didn't need slurs to be insulting.

Dear YouTube: When you meet Biz Stone again, introduced as friends, please don't let on that you new him when... he was hungry, and it was your world. Oh you fake.... just like a startup...

Blog entrepreneur Jason Calacanis has written that, "You don't need a PR firm... to get amazing PR." Calacanis apparently forgot to tell John "WTF Did He Just Say About Black People?" Mayer that he's the exception to that rule.

Meanwhile, Silicon Valley snacky flack Brooke Hammerling offered musician Mayer some PR advice for free.

Then the Chicago Sun Times' Roger Ebert, husband to a black woman (slash lawyer slash VP of Ebert Co.), offered Mayer something of a followup interview.

No one tell former Wonkette/Time columnist/Air America person Ana Marie Cox that GQ's offices are in New York until after she buys several dashing new outfits for herself.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.