
Two Stabbed in Bloody Late Night Brawl at Bronx Bodega

Aleksander Chan · 03/02/15 11:55AM

The NYPD are seeking seven people for their involvement in a brawl inside 1253 Deli in the Bronx, where three people were injured, with two suffering stab wounds. Police released surveillance footage of the battle Monday.

Video: 8-Year-Old Boy Shot in a Bronx Bodega

Leah Beckmann · 02/22/12 02:58PM

Armando Bigo, a second grader, was struck by a stray bullet while in Papa Yali's Deli last night. The footage shows Armando browsing the chips selection when he was hit in the upper chest/shoulder area. According to his mother, who was in the store as well, he is recovering at Jacobi Medical Center, where doctors are treating him for a punctur lung, a fractured rib, and an injured spinal cord. No one else was injured in the shooting.

Bronx School Hires White Supremacist as Principal

Max Read · 07/31/11 09:41AM

When the 200-student Bronx primary school Our Lady of Mount Carmel needed a new principal, its pastor, Rev. Eric Rapaglia, knew exactly who to hire: White supremacist author Frank Borzellieri.

School Aide Unwisely Tries to Force Student to Sell Drugs

Lauri Apple · 05/07/11 04:08PM

Maybe the "don't try to force students to sell drugs for you" page had been torn out of Anthony Davis' "How to Be a Successful Student Aide" handbook, because that's what he allegedly went ahead and did.

Man Fends Off Armed Assailants With an Apple

Maureen O'Connor · 04/28/11 12:49PM

After being stabbed in the side with a butcher knife, a 58-year-old parking garage attendant in the Bronx fended off two armed attackers with an apple. The surveillance video shows two younger men threatening the attendant, who happened to be holding an apple at the time. (By color, I would guess it is a Gala. Jonagold, Fuji, and Honeycrisp are also possibilities.) As the knife-wielding assailant lunges at our frugivorous hero, he flings his snack at his attacker, then shoves the thug out the door.