A 43-year-old Bangladeshi man, Mujibur Rahman, was attacked while walking his 9-year-old niece home from school in the Bronx on Friday, CBS News reports. Rahman said that his attackers were yelling about ISIS.

The father of three was taken to a nearby hospital with a possible broken rib, cuts on his head, swelling and bruises on his face and arms, after two young men wearing ski masks jumped him. He had just picked his niece up from PS 119.

Police said the suspects yelled “ISIS! ISIS!” as they punched Rahman in the head, the New York Times reports, and kicked him when he fell to the ground.

“I believe as a Muslim they hate us, they hate me, and that’s why,” he told CBS, through a translator.

The suspects did not take anything from Rahman, who was dressed in a shalwar kameez. No arrests have been made. According to the Times, the incident is being investigated by the Hate Crimes Task Force.

Image via Google Maps. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.