
Hostage Crisis At Clinton New Hampshire HQ

Pareene · 11/30/07 01:54PM

A man claiming to have a bomb is holding hostages at Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire office. Hillary isn't there. MSNBC is providing the helicopter footage and reckless speculation (and a hostage negotiator!), while CNN is currently giving the same treatment to two freight trains that collided in Illinois. No details anywhere! Obama's office is right down the street! Drudge is still leading with the teddy bear named Muhammed. (Additional Drudge headline: "National correspondents increasingly frustrated by lack of access to Clinton..." It's the media's fault!)

<a href="Man Takes Hostages At Clinton Campaign Office [WMUR]

Scoble retires!

Owen Thomas · 11/07/07 01:29PM

This just in from the wires! "For 18 years, I have had one of the best jobs on the planet," said Scoble. Who knew PodTech had been around so long? inks $3.5 billion ad deal with Google

Owen Thomas · 11/05/07 11:17AM

In the midst of a call laying out IAC's plans to break up into five separate companies, CEO Barry Diller announced that he'd struck a five-year deal with Google to carry its search ads on, an arrangement he says will be worth $3.5 billion. As we'd reported, Diller had little choice but to go with Google, since its competition likely couldn't afford to offer equally lucrative terms.

Google rushes to open itself up

Megan McCarthy · 10/30/07 10:21PM

Mark Zuckerberg, are you feeling scared? Google isn't just moving in on your turf, it's beating you to the punch. By almost a week. Since hiring Brad Fitzpatrick, the creator of LiveJournal and a proponent of open standards, Google has been rumored to be working on tools to let developers build software for multiple social networks. An announcement had been expected next Monday. That would have been a day before Facebook plans to unveil a new ad network to compete with Google's AdSense. Instead of being late, as rumored, Google's early. On Thursday, Google will unveil OpenSocial, a set of common software-development standards that Hi5, Orkut, LinkedIn, Friendster, Ning,, and Oracle have agreed to use. Call them the Google Gang. The Gang, in turn will allow developers like RockYou and iLike to develop one common widget which will work on any of their sites. The goal? To make it unattractive for developers to lock themselves into the Facebook platform. Boo!

Geeks on fire! Flames close The Lobby

Owen Thomas · 10/28/07 05:46PM

Southern California's not the only area ablaze. Fires have broken out on the Big Island of Hawaii, near the Fairmont Orchid, and the hotel has evacuated its guests. And those guests include many attendees of VC David Hornik's exclusive funconference, The Lobby, who had extended their stay through the weekend. Such a bummer when your poolside-getaway boondoggle gets cut short by Mother Nature, isn't it?

Watch Britney Lose Her Kids: Live!

seth · 10/26/07 02:49PM

If you've truly given up all hope of living a productive and meaningful existence, we guide you now to's live feed from the court steps of today's Spears-Federline custody hearing, where you can spend the next hour or so listening in on Tony Potts and Girl with Star-Shaped Microphone submit to an explosive bout of verbal, Britney-speckled diarrhea. Once you've sated yourselves with their insights, you can then continue onto similarly fulfilling activities, such as follicle-by-follicle pubic depilatory sessions and seeing how many canned olives you can eat before puking.

Facebook takes Microsoft's money — and its ad platform

Owen Thomas · 10/24/07 03:39PM

Is Mark Zuckerberg in charge at Facebook? That's the first question I asked myself when I saw the press release Microsoft and Facebook issued. Sure, he got his $15 billion valuation — but only $240 million in cash, a less than 2 percent stake. Facebook's investors, in other words, asserted control and prevented Microsoft from diluting their stake. On the other hand, Microsoft, crucially, will remain Facebook's exclusive third-party ad network. It's telling, I think, that Zuckerberg didn't put his name on the press release. Instead, recently demoted executive Owen Van Natta got the money quote. Why not Zuck? I don't think this is the deal he wanted.

Marie Osmond Faints On 'Dancing With The Stars'

mark · 10/22/07 07:40PM

Mere minutes ago, millions of east-coasted Dancing with the Stars fans watched as Marie Osmond fainted during judge Len Goodman's appraisal of her samba, a dance apparently so physically draining that it was impossible for Osmond to stay conscious long enough to signal the show's producers to cut away from a coming swoon in time to avoid unnecessarily upsetting America. But don't worry: we're told the Dancing crew returned after the impromptu break to let everyone know she's fine.

MySpace CEO renews contract for two years

Owen Thomas · 10/17/07 10:19PM

WEB 2.0 SUMMIT — "I'm happy to say I'll have a job for the next two years," says Chris DeWolfe, CEO of MySpace, on stage with conference organizer John Battelle and his boss, News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch, confirming widespread rumors that he and MySpace cohort Tom Anderson had renewed their contract to run the social network for another two years. "I had to go from the nickel-and-dime newspaper culture, to the magazine culture ... to Hollywood and the Internet culture," says Murdoch, nodding to the reported — but unconfirmed — figure that DeWolfe and Anderson would make: $30 million over two years. More live coverage, after the jump.

Has Microsoft snagged a Facebook stake?

Owen Thomas · 10/17/07 06:00PM

WEB 2.0 SUMMIT — On stage, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tells an audience of hundreds that his company is "happy" with its Microsoft relationship. That, of course, would be the relationship where Microsoft has exclusive control of Facebook's display-ad inventory — the relationship that Facebook, insiders say, is desperate to wriggle out of. There's only one logical reading of this response: Microsoft and Facebook have renegotiated their ad deal, allowing Facebook to sell its own ads in the U.S. — most likely in exchange for letting Microsoft take a stake in the company, shutting out Google and Yahoo. Could this really be the end of Facebook's big-money drama? (Photo by AP/Paul Sakuma)

Facebook financing "almost wrapped up"

Owen Thomas · 10/17/07 05:36PM

WEB 2.0 SUMMIT — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken the stage at John Battelle and Tim O'Reilly's Web conference, and he's proved to be game for questions. Battelle, clearly expecting a nonresponse, asks Zuckerberg about his company's financing — the sale of a small stake that would value the company at as much as $15 billion. Instead, Zuckerberg gamely smiles and says, "Great. It's almost wrapped up." The crowd, a bit shocked, breaks into laughter. Battelle then asks about an IPO. Zuckerberg says, "Definitely years out." (Photo by AP/Paul Sakuma)

'Time' Deputy M.E. Priscilla Painton Quits

Maggie · 10/16/07 03:10PM

According to this memo from Time magazine managing editor Rick Stengel, his deputy, Priscilla Painton, is headed out the door, in search of her "Act Two." Painton joined Time in 1989 and later edited the magazine's "Nation" section. Painton's exit marks yet another departure of a "Time/life-er," increasingly rare on the 23rd floor. But! Stengel promises champagne to the magazine's dwindling staffers—French, no less—to soften the blow. No word yet as to who will replace Painton, who was known (wait for it!) for her competence.

seth · 10/12/07 12:52PM

The search warrants are flying this morning—eight in total—in connection with Anna Nicole Smith's death. Already raided were the homes of Smith's psychiatrist Dr. Khristine Eroshevich (Howard K. Stern is rumored to have been there at the time), and Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, Smith's methadone-dispensing doctor and gay-pride floatmate. A press alert tells us Attorney General Brown will be making a statement at 11:00. Developing... [TMZ]

Britney Spears Loses The Kids—To Federline, Not At The Mall While Shoe-Shopping

mark · 10/01/07 03:11PM

Even though it seems like just yesterday that an L.A. judge was so flummoxed by the fact that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline insouciantly shrugged off his dramatic decree that their two children be cleaved in twain and their truncated baby-halves be shared by the ex-couple with a dismissive, "Whatever. Her moms will stitch 'em back together all new-like for us!" that he allowed their joint custody of the children to continue out of sheer frustration, Us Weekly reports that the court has now reversed course and awarded Sean Preston and their still-unnamed younger child to Federline until further notice.

mark · 09/20/07 12:57PM

We have no details whatsoever, but a tipster informs us that CAA's Century City Death Star is currently being evacuated. We'll be happy to pass along more information—a critical breach of the baby-containment unit? a malfunction in the giant rooftop particle cannon that's resulted in the incineration of an entire floor of employees? an emergency Beckham-welcoming ceremony?—as it becomes available. Developing... UPDATE: Still no explanation for the evacuation, but we're told everyone was quickly called back into their stronghold for immediate re-chaining to their desks.

Choire · 09/17/07 05:17PM

We hear a Times story is coming down the pike "momentarily" about the death of TimesSelect. Yes there'll be dancing! Dancing in the streets! Update: And here she is! TimesSelect, she dies on Tuesday at midnight. This is a great day for America, ladies and gentlemen. Look, we put up the world's tiniest Drudge siren for this momentous event!

Burning Man statue burns — a bit too early

sdavalos · 08/28/07 08:52AM

BLACK ROCK CITY — The entire point of Burning Man is, I'll remind the uninitiated, is to gather together in the desert to torch a giant wooden statue called, yes, The Man. But that's supposed to happen this weekend. It's 3 in the morning on Tuesday, and The Man is ON FIRE!! HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF FUCK! More as it happens!