
Sarah Jessica Parker Plays Co-Star Word Association

Seth Abramovitch · 03/10/06 02:00PM

When last we checked in with Bravo executive Andy Cohen's little corner of the blogosphere, Andy's Blog (alternate title: The "Have I Mentioned Sarah Jessica Parker is a Close, Personal Friend Yet? Because She Is" Blog), Mr. Cohen shared a hilarious anecdote involving his distaste for underpants and a spontaneous striptease with Cybill Shepherd. Today, he scores an exclusive interview with surprise! close, personal friend Sarah Jessica Parker, who humors his request for a little round of co-star word association:

Sex Talk With Jay McCarroll

Seth Abramovitch · 03/09/06 04:55PM

Last night's Project Runway finale provided some closure to a satisfying second season: Santino Rice was in rare form, repeatedly telling anyone who'd listen how his mother was "the shit." (If she was so shit-like, we kept asking ourselves, then what kept the two apart since 2002?) As if scripted by the reality show-writing gods, Daniel Vosovic's precious "shop class" handbags went missing at the very last minute, which Tim Gunn sensitively reacted to by saying, "Sometimes things happen for a reason." And Chloe Dao even showed some spunk, likening her designing process to immaculate conception, and her collection to her "baby." It was a clever tactic that may very well have contributed to her win who in their right minds, after all, is going to deny Baby Jesus the big prize?

Bravo Exec Blogger Reveals: Cybill Shepherd Will Strip For Shows

Seth Abramovitch · 02/24/06 01:27PM

On Andy's Blog, Bravo VP Andy Cohen waxes longwinded on any number of subjects with the giddy enthusiasm of someone who has landed his dream job of programming a network so gay, its corporate parents NBC and Universal can often be overheard arguing over whose fault it was. But sometimes exuberance can spill over into "sharing way too much on the company website" territory, such as this Penthouse Forum-style anecdote involving a hot day, a pitch meeting with Cybill Shepherd, and a cool breeze blowing through executive legs:

Project Runway Finale: Santino Wants His Mommy

Seth Abramovitch · 02/10/06 05:53PM

Don't ask us why a show featuring catty, aspiring fashion designers frantically hot-gluing cat-suits together and bitching conspiratorially about each other to a camera lens is so damn addictive Project Runway just is. Part of it is the contestants' ingenuity we look forward to the episode when Heidi Klum greets them in an emergency room and tells them, "Use any of the materials around you to make a wedding dress for Tori Spelling. You have 90 seconds. Go!" but then just as entertaining are their personalities themselves. Santino Rice has emerged as the predominant bad guy this season, and what a villain he is: The guy's a dead ringer for Rasputin, though Santino would have probably given the Tsar a head-to-toe makeover after he was done brainwashing him.

Bravo Discovers Gay Audiences

Seth Abramovitch · 02/07/06 06:07PM

The executives at the network that brought us Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, Project Runway, Boy Meets Boy, Gay Weddings, Showdog Moms & Dads, Sean Hayes' Situation: Comedy, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List, and Blowout have decided the time has come to start courting a gay audience:

Whitney Houston: "I Will Always Love Blow"

Seth Abramovitch · 01/10/06 05:54PM

With a celebrity's best interests always being the guiding light behind anything they ever publish, a concerned National Enquirer has released photos of a cracked out Whitney Houston making a 4 a.m. candy bar run at an Atlanta gas station. According to The Inside Track, the Enquirer reports that Whitney's "voice is shot from years of cocaine abuse," and that she and husband Bobby Brown are "running out of money." Good for all of us, then, that their Bravo series Being Bobby Brown, that loony bin of reality pleasures that introduced "dig a dootie bubble" and "hell to the no!" to the popular lexicon, is reportedly back for another season. The downward spiral of BBB Season 2 will be just what we needed to fill the suicidally-self-destructive- celebrity-voyeurism-as-entertainment hole that's popped up in our TV viewing schedule since Breaking Bonaduce went off the air.

James Lipton's Little Blue Cue Cards Have Dave Chappelle's Name All Over Them

Seth Abramovitch · 12/21/05 02:38PM

Blogger Jezzka's Little Rants was one of the lucky few to attend a recent taping of that celebrated bacchanalia of butt-kissing, Inside the Actors Studio, when the guest of honor was none other than noted conspiracy theory topic, Dave Chappelle. After a three-hour delay with nothing to do but watch old episodes of The Chappelle Show and listen to Lipton's increasingly desperate improvised stalling tactics ("I know, everyone! How about a huge round of Bernard Pivot questionnaire as featured on Bouillon de culture!"), Chappelle finally shows up, and surprise! He's a mensch albeit a trembling, chain-smoking one:

Trade Round-Up: Chappelle's Show: The Lost Season

mark · 12/05/05 01:43PM

· Someone at Comedy Central finally asks, "Hey, what happened to the stuff we paid for before Dave Chappelle ran out on us?" and now plans to air the bits and pieces of Chappelle's Show's aborted third season sometime in 2006, both online and on TV. Among the highlights is the eerily prescient sketch, "Dave Takes Comedy Central's Money and Flees For Some Chill-Out Time in South Africa," starring, of course, the ghost of Rick James. [Variety]
· Fox confirms that a Fantastic Four sequel is a go. They boldly plan a July 4, 2007 release—at least until another studio comes along and stakes out the holiday weekend for its bigger, better blockbuster, at which time FF 2 will be rescheduled for February of 2008. [THR]
· Mel Gibson's newly established Con Artists Productions sets up four TV projects, three of which are legal dramas—one invoking LA Law, one recalling Moonlighting, and one also incorporating medical drama, which we will refer to as an Night Court/St. Elsewhere hybrid, just to cover all the 80s television bases. [Variety]
· ABC greenlights a comedy pilot from Ed producers Rob Burnett and Jon Beckerman. which replaces lovable, do-gooding schlump Tom Cavanaugh with lovable, wants-to-rob-a-celebrity schlump Donal Logue. [THR]
· Bravo broadens its horizons to include programs that people actually might want to watch. [Variety]

Short Ends: Hurricane Telethon Countdown Much Shorter Than Expected

mark · 08/31/05 07:00PM

· Wow, the Telethon Countdown was much shorter than we expected. NBC Uni's "Concert for Hurricane Relief" will air on NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC on Friday night at 8 pm EST, but it looks like we're going to only get the tape delay version of Leonardo DiCaprio and Harry Connick on the West Coast.
· There are only three days left to vote for which half-pilot wins Bravo's Situation: Comedy and goes on to be completely ignored by NBC's desperate programming executives. Don't worry, it's all anonymous, so no one has to know about the secret shame of your viewership. Stephen's Life is totally gonna win, right?
· We knew that there was something fishy about the rumor that Al Pacino is dating Rose McGowan. Especially because we're quietly dating her, and she denied the whole thing to us.
· The "A" is for "Ass-Whoopin'": Vivica A. Fox warns Jimmy Kimmel that a beating may be in his future if he persists in publicly taunting her very good friend, Star Jones.
· Everyone else has already linked to the "black people loot, white people find" post, but we're going to do it anyway.