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On Andy's Blog, Bravo VP Andy Cohen waxes longwinded on any number of subjects with the giddy enthusiasm of someone who has landed his dream job of programming a network so gay, its corporate parents NBC and Universal can often be overheard arguing over whose fault it was. But sometimes exuberance can spill over into "sharing way too much on the company website" territory, such as this Penthouse Forum-style anecdote involving a hot day, a pitch meeting with Cybill Shepherd, and a cool breeze blowing through executive legs:

We met in her manager's office in Beverly Hills on a hot Los Angeles summer day. I wore flip-flops, khakis, and a t-shirt. I don't know what my vibe was that day, but for some reason I was not wearing underwear. I know this may disgust you but it was just the way I was feeling that day when I got dressed. I was in LA, not feeling professional, the pants were soft, it was warm, I didn't want to be constrained - I don't know! [...]

And then, a horrible idea: "I have an idea! It's so F—-in hot in here, let's all take our shirts off!" She squealed. Her friend was game. "If we take our shirts off, will you take yours off, Andrew?" she purred.

"Ok, I will," I said. I was hot. Physically, not "hot." But I was also curious to see where this would go.

Cybill was wearing a black bra that I really, really, did not want to see. I wasn't curious anymore. "Mommy, I'm scared!" I thought. Her friend also had a black bra on. [...]

"If we take our pants off, will you take off yours?!?!" she chirped, thrilled by her latest brainstorm.

We can't say we advocate Cohen's free-bagging policy pitches are nerve wracking enough without being constantly distracted downward by a silver dollar-sized circle of wet. But we must applaud Shepherd for finding an innovative way to leave a lasting impression. However, in a town full of copycats, we fear these tactics will soon become de rigeur for all aging actresses looking for a Valerie Cherish-style reality TV comeback; only they'll bypass the playful "I will if you will" striptease aspects in favor of simply showing up in a terry cloth bathrobe, dropping it to the floor, and asking the panel of development execs bluntly, "So do you want this or not?"