
Understand the Basics of Wine in Four Minutes

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/17/10 11:00AM

Unlike most morning show segments, this guide to understanding wine from yesterday's Regis and Kelly is actually helpful! Kevin Zraly, of the Windows on the World wine course, breaks it down for us quite simply.

Only a barbarian would pair a chardonnay with Dover sole. Now you can impress your man or ladyfriend by knowing which varietal of Two-Buck Chuck to drink with your next home-cooked meal!

How To Make a Hot Toddy

Zach Mack · 01/20/10 11:00AM

Cold season is one of the worst times of year. The good news is that it gives you a perfect excuse to make the cold remedy mom never wanted you to know about: the Hot Toddy.

How To Open a Beer With Another Beer

David Matthews · 01/08/10 11:00AM

Using explosives to put out a forest fire is as counter-intuitive as it is awesome. Opening a beer with another beer is just plain neat. Learn these moves because you're never going to be brave enough to do this otherwise.

How To Drink Like a Man

David Matthews · 01/05/10 11:00AM

What makes a man? Is it standing up for a set of principles like Atticus Finch or is it the ability to go shot for shot with Dennis Hopper? According to this video, it is the latter.

Prohibition for Pansies: Bathtub Bootlegging Hipster Juice

Foster Kamer · 12/05/09 04:15PM

File Under: Ideas Bad for Humanity. An industrious writer embarked on a mission to recreate the now-banned Hipster Holy Water known as Sparks. Reactions? "God, that's so fucking gross," and "This is the best day of my life." Success! [SFWeekly]

College Kids Maintaining, Bro

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/09 02:22PM

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs—the most popular journal—found that the binge-drinking and unprotected sex habits of students at America's drunkest colleges has barely changed since the early 90s. So what's the problem, right? High-five. [JSAD]

Kate Moss, Lily Allen, and The Rock Chick Diet

Foster Kamer · 08/08/09 06:15PM

Want to know how awesome starlets Lily Allen and Kate Moss stay in shape? This isn't a joke about blowcaine! You can do it, too. Kate and Lily took the most awesome Rock Chick vacay ev-ah and looked awesome. How?

Least Important Crooks in Albany Busted

Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/09 03:46PM

Turns out that a couple of state workers in Albany hid in some back room smoking weed and selling weed and watching DVDs and passing out on the couch instead of working. And?

Important Holiday News

Pareene · 12/21/08 01:54PM

"It's a question that many people have on their minds this season: Does spiking the homemade eggnog safeguard it against salmonella?" A: Who cares! [NPR]

Lame Duck Falls Off Wagon

Pareene · 11/26/08 04:29PM

Last weekend, President Bush attended the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Lima, Peru. Turns out you can't do anything in Peru without someone handing you Peru's national drink, the Pisco Sour (made with pisco, a brandy-like liquor). It's a pretty agreeable drink, so we wouldn't complain, but President Bush has been supposedly teetotalling for 22 years. He avoided an international incident by downing that sucker. Peru's ANDINA press agency has some great details: