
The NYPD's Party Crashing Unit

Jeff Neumann · 08/04/10 06:29AM

South Queens has been the scene of several rowdy, and sometimes deadly, house parties over the last year. So the NYPD has formed a special unit to crash them before they get out of hand. NYPD: Party Crashing Unit.

Study: America's Drinking Rate at Highest Level Since 1985

Jeff Neumann · 08/01/10 03:23PM

A new Gallup study on Americans and booze has some interesting facts. Did you know that young American men love beer? And that Americans like alcohol? Or that people on both coasts prefer wine? Stereotypes come true with science!

Study: Heavy Drinking Makes Arthritis Relatively Painless

Jeff Neumann · 07/28/10 07:23AM

A group of scientists at the University of Sheffield have concluded a groundbreaking new study that claims "frequently" drinking alcohol eases pain from rheumatoid arthritis and can even make the disease less severe. Imagine that... booze dulls pain!

San Diego Mulls Totally Awesome Rubber Booze Raft Crackdown

Jeff Neumann · 07/26/10 05:57AM

City officials in San Diego, tired of drunk frat boys littering their pristine coast, in 2007 banned drinking on the beach. But there's a loophole: "If you're floating, you're good," according to police. So thousands get wasted on rafts, brah.

How To Make a Mojito

Alison Flood · 07/14/10 10:00AM

Knowing how to make a solid drink is a great party trick, especially if it's one that has been enjoyed equally by Carrie Bradshaw and Ernest Hemmingway.

Lindsay Lohan's Favorite Gross Tea Could Soon Be Treated As Alcohol

Adrian Chen · 06/25/10 03:19PM

Breaking kombucha news! When Whole Foods pulled the vile fermented tea from its shelves due to concerns over high alcohol content, millions of pampered shoppers were dismayed. Now, feds say kombucha should be treated like a lowly Budweiser.

Have Regis and Kelly Been Drinking Alcohol During Commercial Breaks?

Emily Farris · 06/14/10 01:37PM

Today Regis and Kelly shared a few letters and photos received from viewers. Kelly joked about drinking alcohol during breaks (all jokes have some truth, am I right?), then turned a man's pride for his huge asparagus into sexual references.

Science Is Making Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage Irrelevant

Jeff Neumann · 06/13/10 04:03PM

Good news: A team of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital are one step closer to being able to regrow livers, after they created working liver grafts and transplanted them into rats. Drink up—you can fix it later! [BBC]

Cleanup on Aisle 5: Old Lady Destroys Supermarket

Gene Delsener · 06/03/10 03:44PM

We're not sure what started the elderly Russian's assault on the liquor aisle, but points for determination. Apparently the mayhem ended with six cops trying to subdue the woman.

Kenya's 'Kill Me Quick' Moonshine Actually Kills People

Jeff Neumann · 05/14/10 01:22AM

Prohibition and "sin taxes" push many Africans to drink cheaper, locally produced moonshine. Some of it sounds pretty good, too, with 40% alcohol! But mix in some feces, cockroaches, and jet fuel, and you could wind up blind or dead.

Butt-Chugging: What Is It, and Who's Doing It?

Elaine Moran & Frank Cozzarelli · 05/12/10 01:45PM

Young people will stop at nothing to get messed up. YouTube is flush with videos of misguided youths introducing alcohol to their nether regions, so we went to Union Square to get to the bottom of this mysterious trend.

Will Prom Ever Be Fun Again?

Richard Lawson · 04/13/10 01:12PM

Disgusting lesbians aren't the only things ruining prom these days. Stupid school administrators and awful parents are also doing the rite of passage a great disservice. The latest trend is scheduling the dances on school nights, to curb after-partying.

Philly’s Hottest Nightclub Doubles as a Kindergarten

Jeff Neumann · 03/31/10 04:40AM

Club Damani, known by day as Harambee Charter School, offers dancing, drinking, rapping, and an expired liquor license. State officials aren't happy about this. But they should relax, because the club's in-house performer says, "Yo, I got that weed."