
Stephen Colbert Butts Heads with Author Over Muslim Revolutions

Matt Cherette · 09/08/11 12:30AM

On tonight's Report, Robin Wright (the journalist/author, not the Sean Penn ex-wife) stopped by for an interview with Stephen Colbert about her new book, Rock the Casbah, which argues that the recent Middle East uprisings prove the United States' post-9/11 policy of "gunboat diplomacy" was both misguided and ineffective. And in a rare instance of earnestness—mixed in with his requisite schtick, of course—Colbert repeatedly challenged Wright's arguments. Here's a video of the interview's more combative moments.

Media Pioneers Bank on Futuristic 'Book' Technology

Ryan Tate · 09/07/11 05:00PM

Uber nerd website ArsTechnica has one. Amazon is guiding web savvy writers toward them. And now even the electronic newspaper of the future, the Huffington Post, has one. Meet the so-called "book," heir apparent to the future of media.

The Gawker Guide to Fall Books

Lauri Apple · 09/02/11 02:23PM

Fall's the time for sitting on the couch with an overflowing snack bowl and dogs in your lap, sunning yourself in the bright lamp light that helps you to manage your Seasonal Affective Disorder, and trying not to think of winter. In other words, a perfect time for reading—and this fall brings the release of so many intriguing-sounding books that narrowing down the options was so hard. But we did it, and now here you go.

Donald Trump Simply Does Not Care for Dick Cheney's Book of Lies

Jim Newell · 09/01/11 03:09PM

Here we have the latest shouty comedy video From the Desk of Donald Trump, in which our host reviews the Dick Cheney memoir that he has not read. You might even like this one! Trump, he just knows that Dick Cheney's a liar about everything, and doesn't like to see him "ratting out" his old colleagues.

The Casey Anthony Books Are On the Way

Jeff Neumann · 08/28/11 12:04PM

Let the Casey Anthony book deal cash flow bonanza begin! The assistant state attorney in the trial that failed to convict a woman who was already convicted by cable television viewers, Jeff Ashton, is writing a book to be published in Novemeber titled Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony. Strong title! The book is set to be 256 pages. But perhaps the only thing that would make this whole situation right is if Casey takes the $500,000 Larry Flynt offered her for a Hustler spread, writes a book called Yeah I Did It: Or, Fuck You Nancy Grace for ten million dollars, and disappears.

Pay a Serial Killer to Murder Your Books

Ryan Tate · 08/18/11 04:27PM

It's hot in Japan, and finally coming to the U.S.: For $2 or $3 per title, you can have your book collection lovingly scanned, emailed, and ground into dust. You don't even have to dispose of the corpse. Progress!

Self-Help Bro Joins with Amazon to Save Publishing

Adrian Chen · 08/17/11 10:18AM

Dudes, the publishing industry is sucking harder than a middle-aged hedge fund manager summiting K2. What it needs is a jolt of hot, unadulterated innovation. Get ready, 'cause Amazon's entering the publishing biz with the world's foremost synergetically awesome innovabro.

Andy Cohen Continues to Conquer All Media

Brian Moylan · 08/08/11 01:32PM

Bravo honcho Andy Cohen programmed himself onto the network to host the Real Housewives reunions and gave himself his own show. But that wasn't enough. Now he's writing a book about growing up loving pop culture and suppressing his homosexuality as a child. It's called Obviously Andy: The Dandy Andy Story of Growing up Andy Cohen by Andy Cohen by Andrew Cohen. OK, not really, but it does come out next summer.

Reality TV Is Manipulating You More Than You Think

Brian Moylan · 07/29/11 01:01PM

You probably think that you're a savvy viewer who watches a lot of reality television programs and knows what's real and what's "reality," right? Well, according to a new book from one of the people behind the camera, even the simplest tricks are enough to fool the audience.

Googler Quits During Televised Speech

Ryan Tate · 07/27/11 05:37PM

Google wants to get into the LOLcat business, but Steve Yegge is damned if he's going to help; the engineer told a tech conference that "I am officially quitting that job on national TV." Also in today's Valleywag roundup: Google is showering programmers with 50 percent raises and trips to Paris; Karl Rove advertised in his favorite gay sex app; and a tech writer is minting money off a single review.

Barry Diller Is Absolutely Thrilled to Lose $60 Million

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/11 02:08PM

In your sincere Wednesday media column: Barry Diller has endlessly deep pockets, Fox gets an online paywall, Michael Hastings' book deal disappears, The Daily still, improbably, exists, and doing more with less is dead.

NYT Pays Off Its Extortionate Foreign Credit Card

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/11 02:49PM

In your sweltering Wednesday media column: the NYT repays Carlos Slim, the global advertising market is back, a columnist is canned for plagiarism, a book review feud, and the media's most ineffectual lawyer says goodbye.