
Stephen Colbert Defends Bill O'Reilly Against Evil Book-Burning Troops

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 01:55AM

Under the guise of a program called "Books for the Troops," Bill O'Reilly strong-arms viewers into buying his latest bestseller by promising to send a copy of each one sold to American soldiers serving overseas. Of course, that doesn't mean the troops actually want the books, as we learned Wednesday when one serviceman in Afghanistan posted a photo online of scores of O'Reilly's Pinheads & Patriots burning in a trash bin. How rude! Thankfully, Stephen Colbert was at attention on tonight's Report to set the pinheaded troops straight.

Inseparable, Insufferable TV Hosts to Write Joint Memoir

John Cook · 10/20/11 04:14PM

Coffee marketers and morning-show hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are writing a memoir. Together. Because the fact that you see them on the TV together means that you want to read about them both at the same time! If you'd like to read about them separately, pick up Brzezinski's 2009 already written memoir All Things at Once and Scarborough's 2004 "part memoir, part political treatise" Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day. Maybe this new one will have awesome sex scenes, or something.

Your Fascination With Your Dog Is an Embarrassment (To You)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 11:57AM

Let's say you're a woman who's worked hard, climbed the ladder, and risen to the very pinnacle of your profession—a historic achievement. You're taken seriously as a writer, a thinker, and a boss; you alone have the power to set the agenda for how many of our most important issues are covered by the national and international media. You have made it. Why—hypothetically speaking—would you not shut up about your stupid dog?

God Really Did Create Adam and Steve

Brian Moylan · 10/11/11 04:33PM

We've all heard members of the religious right rambling their silly, anti-gay slogan, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Well, on this National Coming Out Day, God is coming clean and admitting they're wrong: He did, in fact, create Adam and Steve.

Steve Jobs on Why He Wore Turtlenecks

Ryan Tate · 10/11/11 02:54PM

Steve Jobs's black turtlenecks helped make him the world's most recognizable CEO. But the Apple co-founder wouldn't have worn them if his employees had accepted the nylon jacket he proposed as a corporate uniform instead. Before he died, Jobs himself explained his sartorial signature to biographer Walter Isaacson, in an interview published for the first time below.

Let's Name Courtney Love's Memoir

Seth Abramovitch · 09/30/11 01:09AM

Courtney Love is writing a book! Or rather, a ghostwriter is being yanked from his bed in the middle of the night, shackled to a desk in an abandoned warehouse, and forced to whittle down 10,000 hours of scrambled spoken thoughts and profanity into something resembling a coherent sequence of ideas expressed in written words, i.e. a book!

The Best Butt-Related Excerpts From The Rogue

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 04:06PM

The Rogue, Joe McGinniss' much-discussed gossipy book about Sarah Palin, hits stores tomorrow. But why wait an entire day to learn the most salacious news about Sarah and Todd Palin—and butts? We've got it for you now.

Ikea Hates Books

Hamilton Nolan · 09/13/11 08:30AM

The print book publishing business was growing by huge margins and raking in ever-growing amounts of money—until now. Ikea has ruined it. Why do Swedish people love lingonberries but hate the printed word?

Big-Time Pastry Chefs Suing Publisher Over Misleading Macarons Book

Lauri Apple · 09/10/11 06:26PM

If you're some boring nobody with a pedestrian name like John Smith or Ann Jones (no offense guys!), it's no big whoop if some book publisher falsely attributes their fancy new pastry cookbook to you. But when you're famous and come with a name as exotic and memorable as, say, Florian Bellanger or Ludovic Augendre, and a publisher does that, then it's a very big deal.