Uber nerd website ArsTechnica has one. Amazon is guiding web savvy writers toward them. And now even the electronic newspaper of the future, the Huffington Post, has one. Meet the so-called "book," heir apparent to the future of media.

Internet cyberpaper the Huffington Post today released a Kindle and iPad book, DC journalist Arthur Delaney's "People's History of the Great Recession," dramatically announced as "The Huffington Post's First eBook." In July, Condé Nast made $15,000 in the first 24 hours it sold a "Kindle Single" ebook that packaged up a review of the latest version of Mac OS X John Siracusa, a well regarded contributor to Condé's computer geek website ArsTechnica. And just a couple of weeks ago, former New York Times contributor Mike Albo released a roman à clef called "The Junket" that has received a slew of positive notices. So consider getting in on this whole book trend. There might be a future in it!

[image via androfroll/Shutterstock]