
Thug Runs Into Lamppost After Bombing Building

Maureen O'Connor · 12/08/10 05:27PM

Nefarious Londoner Amir Ali used a petrol bomb to destroy a pub, then turned around and ran face-first into a lamppost. Here's security camera footage of the violent criminal looking like a total dum-dum.

Bomb Week Ends as It Began: Scarily

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/10 09:13AM

It's Friday, the last day of Bomb Week. Pray for peace! Today in bombing news: doubts cast on the near-miss Yemen mail bomb; another several bomb scares; and a suicide bombing.

Mail Bomb Was Oh So Close to Blowing Up

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/10 08:37AM

Today in bombs: new and skeery details about just how close those Yemeni mail bombs came to blowing up. Plus: new and skeery details on the Greek anarchist mail bombers. It's bomb week. Love it or else.

Someone Mailed a Bomb Threat to NPR!

Max Read · 10/26/10 10:16PM

NPR received a bomb threat in the mail today, prompting the news organization to take extra security precautions and "generally [be] more vigilant." Was it related to the termination of commentator Juan Williams? Or just a pledge drive gone wrong?

Bomb Found in East Village

Richard Lawson · 10/11/10 01:23PM

A bomb was found in the Marble Cemetery on 2nd Street in Manhattan's East Village at around 11:45am today. Streets are still blocked off. The normally closed cemetery had an "open house" this weekend and was open to the public.