Fox News Gets Front-Row Seat at White House
Max Read · 08/01/10 08:01PMWhite House Correspondents Association's Elections Getting Ugly
Jim Newell · 07/01/10 01:25PMBloomberg TV Is Latest Target of Matthew Winkler's Rage
Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/10 10:35AMMike Bloomberg Somehow Noticed a Million Bucks Missing
Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/10 02:12PMIn Tough Times Mayor Mike Cut Back On Housekeepers, Buying Things
Jeff Neumann · 06/14/10 05:45AMBloomberg Editor Matthew Winkler Explodes Again, Blasts Reporters For 'Inaccurate' Twitter Practices
Remy Stern · 05/19/10 12:56PM
We've all heard the horror stories about uber-strict, bow tie-wearing Bloomberg News editor in chief Matthew Winkler instilling fear in his reporters over their use of the words "but" and "announce", or screaming at them for making mistakes, as he did in the infamous "The enemy is the human!" incident.