
So, Mom, should I write for Gawker?

Nick Denton · 02/27/08 09:50AM

"Well, I had more time to investigate this [name redacted].com. It seems to be a melange of stupid news that no sane person would peruse. Having said that, I can see it may be popular. Most of the comments I read were by people thinking they are too smart by half. So I presume their audience is 19-29 persons who think highly of themselves. You are probably perfect to write for this crowd." [The blogger behind the excellent I Fight Evil asked his mother what she thought of freelancing for Gawker.]

Alumni Report

Nick Denton · 01/14/08 09:53AM

Missing the taste of classic Gawker? The inimitable Choire Sicha is blogging this week at, the personal site of Jason Kottke, a fellow blogging old-timer. Emily Gould has introduced the exclamation — Yay! — to Jewcy, the online magazine for "New Jews". Former advice columnist Tionna Smalls tells readers of SLC Outsider, based in Salt Lake City, that life is what you make of it. Alex Balk and Jessica Coen are now, tragically, in management. And Elizabeth Spiers is otherwise engaged giving quotes to the New York Times.


Nick Denton · 01/13/08 11:50AM

We're looking to reinstitute our review of the wittiest posts from personal blogs. So many words; so few readers. That has to be fixed. The old list is still in the feed reader, but could do with some fresh names. Suggestions, in the comments, please, or in email.

Bloggorhea NYC: Restaurants, Real Estate, Politics

abalk2 · 06/16/06 04:56PM

• The on again/off again saga that is the East Village's E.U. gastropub is on again. Or off again; it's hard to tell. They should just tear the place down and put up a Wendy's, see how happy folks in the neighborhood are then. []Eater]
• Tom Suozzi - Naussau guy, he's running for governor - yeah, well, he's never heard of you either - plans to stop the Spitzer juggernaut with a parody of the Canadian national anthem. Spitzer immediately launches payola investigation. [The Politicker]
• Craig Newmark thinks the plan to charge brokers to post on craigslist is working; but he hasn't yet seen all the spacious studios available for casual encounters. [craigblog]

Bloggorhea NYC: Everything Has Its Price

abalk2 · 06/15/06 04:18PM

• Did you know someone actually has a blog about Rudy Giuliani? And it's not slash fic? [Giuliani Blog]
• Editing a manuscript in exchange for a skirt doesn't make you a whore, does it? Not if it's a Marc Jacobs. [Alongthoselines]
• We remember our first time on eBay. We didn't blog about it, but autre temps... [Logged Hours]

Blogorrhea NYC: Friends, Gas, and Porn

Jesse · 06/07/06 04:41PM

• For New York chicks, it's much easier to find a date than to find a true friend — you know, the one who'll tell you your ass looks fat in those jeans. [Almost Literary]
• Con Ed takes the "L" word very seriously — just mention it, and they'll come over and bust down your door. [Maccers]
• Manhattan Video: Clean family fun and not-so-clean adult entertainment, all conveniently located under one roof. [CC Insider]

Blogorrhea NYC: Riding That Train

Jesse · 07/20/05 03:40PM

• How to ride the subway. If you want to be hated. [This Is What We Do Now]
All the President's Men was screened in Tribeca last night, with Woodward, Bernstein, and Bradlee in attendance. Also Woodward's young daughter, who was overheard having the crushing realization that, no, her father does not look like Robert Redford. [MyJewishBooks/JewishFilm]
• It's so cute when Germans try to act ghetto. [Verbose Coma]
• With today's New York mag web headlines, Tristam Shandy officially turns on Adam Moss. [Tristam Shandy]