
Dave Winer's instructions to the world: Read everything

Nick Douglas · 05/30/06 09:00AM

Dave Winer, king of the (totally mainstream and not inbred) world of Internet news feeds, is known for his font of wisdom, the personal blog Scripting News. But sometimes, in doling out his advice, the inventor of RSS Flavor #3 forgets that not everyone spends the whole day resting on their laurels:

Where are the baiters?

Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 03:15PM

As the Register's Andrew Orlowski flies back to England, it's time to check up on the other trolls of tech — the real journalists, fake journalists, and — ugh — bloggers.

Anatomy of a shitstorm: O'Reilly trademarks Web 2.0

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 05:27PM

Tech publisher Tim O'Reilly's lawyers C&D'd an Irish non-profit two weeks before its "Web 2.0 half-day conference" for violating a pending trademark. Sure, Tim O'Reilly (pictured and also happy to see you) may have every right to register the mark "Web 2.0" for the use of conferences — he did popularize the phrase, and he has been running Web 2.0 Conferences for two years. But dudes, if there's anything to learn from Sensei Cory Doctorow, it's that reality doesn't apply to the blogosphere. Thus:

To-Do: Meet Markoff, the LJ guy, your maker

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 02:30PM

Great weekend ahead, and I'm not just saying that 'cause Valleywag takes a half-day tomorrow. Here — meet someone important by Memorial Day and pump 'em for info.

Remainders: LJ boob job

Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 07:05PM
  • San Francisco PR firm Bite interviews the San Jose Mercury News senior web editor about the Merc's new media offerings. Sez the editor about the popularity of the Merc's American Idol blog, "Compelling content still rules the day." And by "compelling content," he means "celebrity trash." (Gawker Media heartily agrees.) [Bitemarks]

Valleywag PSA: Fight social bookmark icon pollution

Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 06:32PM

Just like TechCrunch addiction and Pastel Yellow Fever, social bookmark icon pollution is everybody's problem in this Web 2.0 world. In the form of long chains of social bookmark links on every post — "Digg this! this! Reddit this!" — it has claimed so many bloggers as its victims:

Matt Haughey is MacBook Man

Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 09:00AM

Metafilter magnate Matt Haughey proves his utter geekiness in this video parody of Star Wars Kid (which is totally just an attempt to get Yahoo's Andy Baio to start another iPod donation fund). It's not the act itself that shows how far gone the forum founder is — it's Haughey's obsessive attention to detail:

Bloggerati breakdown: A very Arri roundup

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 05:53PM
  • TechCrunch blog mogul Michael Arrington (pictured here waving some shock) smirks at pundit Richard MacManus, who decided that Web 2.0 is undead resurrected: "While I enjoy watching Richard struggle with his inner self, and trying to find security in his beliefs, I think I'll carry on as I have - mostly ignoring the debate and focusing on the companies that are defining the new web." Snap. [CrunchNotes]

Geek out guest post: Second Third Thursday

Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 10:44AM

The Weber Shandwick takeover of Valleywag continues with WS legal practice guru Lucas Mast's report on this week's Third Thursday. In this edition of the PR and marketing talk series, PR blogger Jeremy Pepper MC'd a panel of corporate-blogging masters. If you're feeling cynical this morning, just read Lucas's three bullets and be done with it. We'll see if our boy Lucas can learn to stop paying attention to the actual talks and give us the nitty gritty, like whether someone got Steve Rubel drunk. In the meantime, Mr. Bright and Sunny pimps Third Thursday.

Engadget's Ryan Block: "This isn't an exclusive?"

Nick Douglas · 05/16/06 08:08PM

AOL gizmo blog Engadget ain't no small-town outlet, and managing editor Ryan Block don't wanna share his subjects. That's why, when Block and crew walk into an in-conference press event with Microsoft XBox exec Peter Moore (five minutes late) and see other bloggers (including tech heavyweight Chris Pirillo), Block mumbles, "Oh, this isn't an exclusive." You can hear him five minutes into this video on tech blog Gear Live.