
Remainders: The Hoff Needs a Nap

Jessica · 10/03/06 06:05PM

• David Hasselhoff is just exhausted, so much so that he fell asleep during a televised interview. He says he hadn't been drinking, just popping ludes. [AHN]
• Bobby Brown faces arrest after failing to pay child support to the mother of his first child. Considering his gravy train just filed for divorce from him and he's asking for cars instead of appearance fees, we're thinking that cash isn't going to be showing up anytime soon. [Reuters]
• The Chinese can be relied upon for two things: food and spit. Regarding the latter, Animal magazine is looking for your spitting-Asian pictures, presumably for some sort of expose of the saliva-flecked streets of lower Manhattan. [Craigslist]
• After finally agreeing to count cab drivers, New York's population is revised upwards to 8.2 million. [Crain's]
• The U.S. finds a new method of torture: having detainees at Guatanamo eat 4,200 calories per day. [AP]
• After all that crazy Jew-starving, what's better than a cookie and a Frappucino? [AOPJLH]
• Chevrolet is SO FUCKING AMERICAN. And Stephen Colbert, don't steal that line. [Jalopnik]
• Know your downtown hotels and avoid them. [HotelChatter]
• Wait — bloggers aren't above the law? Crap. [USA Today]
• Jason Calacanis unfamiliar with common male desires, libido, and/or heterosexuality. [Valleywag]

Morning deals: Win a date with Netflix's money

Nick Douglas · 10/02/06 03:00PM
  • Is it that big a deal that Netflix offered a million-dollar bounty for anyone who improves its movie recommendation engine by 10%? Wait, how do you even measure the accuracy of movie recommendations? Who cares, the media's eating it up as if they get a finder's fee. (If you win this contest after reading it on Valleywag, you do owe us a finder's fee: a lifetime subscription to "Netflix: Porn Edition." [NY Times]

Bloggers with Laptops: Gallery of a Pose

Chris Mohney · 09/22/06 02:30PM

We respectfully requested you join us in objecting to a tired media trope — bloggers awkwardly posed with laptops in a way meant to communicate the essence of blogginess — and we received many amens. Plenty of forgotten classics out there, each more grating than the last. Tighten up your angry-gland and journey after the jump for an annotated voyage through this vale of irritation. We'd like to stress again that we're not so much mocking the subjects of these photos, as we are protesting this tired, dorky setup. Beware one small bit of NSFWness in the traditional sense.

Loose Wires: Current Thong

Nick Douglas · 09/21/06 01:29AM
  • Phone fraud offender Hewlett-Packard takes another giant leap towards becoming even more of the class bully, this time with news that they actually conducted feasibility studies to figure out how to plant spies in news bureaus. To be continued tomorrow. Don't worry, by then we'll find out the government was involved in the conspiracy. [NY Times]

'Time' Book Critic Will Not Abide Your Amateur Criticism

abalk2 · 09/19/06 01:55PM

You can add "blogger hurt my feelings" to the list of go-to topics for columnists having a hard time finding something to write about. The latest example comes from the pages of Time, where book critic Lev Grossman takes on Ed Champion of While admitting that he's fair game, Grossman still feels the sting of Champion's barbs: "I do know that in the past Edward Champion has called me...'the Uwe Boll of the book reviewing world.'" (Boll, the man responsible for House of the Dead and BloodRayne, is widely believed to be the worst director in the world, if not of all time.)" But, at the end of an essay filled with tortured superhero metaphors, Grossman extends the olive branch, saying,

Bloggers ID famous fake YouTuber: LonelyGirl15 is actress Jessica Rose

Nick Douglas · 09/12/06 05:06PM

LonelyGirl15 has a name. The YouTube video blogger who acted in a fictional show about a homeschooled religious girl, her daily life, and her boy friend (and got on CNN in the process) was outed as a fake last week when bloggers traced messages and video blog posts back to a Beverly Hills talent agency. This weekend, the still-unnamed creators of the vlog saga posted a forum message admitting that the show was scripted.

Feld folds: VC blogger Brad Feld goes silent

Nick Douglas · 09/11/06 01:22PM

2004: Venture capitalist Brad Feld writes about one blog post per day at "Feld Thoughts."
2005: Feld writes about a post and a half per day.
January to 6 September 2006: Feld writes two to three posts per day.
7 September 2006: In a story about former billion-dollar firm Mobius Venture Capital, the Wall Street Journal reports that Feld may quit his managing director position to start a new fund with other former Mobius senior members. Feld declines to comment.
7 September to 11 September: Feld posts nothing on his blog.

Meet Mr. Bubble: The anti-John Battelle blog

Nick Douglas · 09/08/06 12:50PM

Folks new to the bubble scene may know John Battelle only as the man running the Federated Media blog ad network. Those with another year's experience will remember his book about Google, The Search. But the writer of the anti-Battelle blog Battelle Watch remembers the Internet maven's 90s career as founder of the Industry Standard, a New and Bold News Site about the New and Bold Economy (both of which disappeared when the Old and Not-Dead-Yet Economy rumbled back in 2001).

GigaOM's WebWorkerDaily: For the digital nomad who has everything but a place to call work

Nick Douglas · 09/05/06 08:20AM

The basis of Web Worker Daily, GigaOM blog kingpin Om Malik's latest title, is that in an increasingly web-based, wireless world, with bloggers and web workers dispersed in diverse geographic pockets, it's becoming more difficult to mobilize the workforce. The site, which launched on Labor Day (cute timing, Om), is meant as a forum in which "2.0 users" share knowledge of technological systems and workspaces.